too cool for school 眼线笔/眼线液单品 卧蚕眼影笔眼线笔 产地 韩国 包装种类 基础包装 颜色分类 01号 Haze JEYU,02号 Fuzzy,03号 Icy 功效 提升气色 规格类型 正常规格 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 图文详情 0 本店推荐 韩国Erborian艾博妍积雪草修红遮瑕CC霜隔离绿色遮盖泛红Happyrim ¥140 韩国代购 Tooq Wit...
too cool for school 修颜/高光/阴影粉单品 修容阴影高光笔 功效 修饰肤色 产地 韩国 规格类型 正常规格 包装种类 基础包装 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 颜色分类 1号Warm duo,2号Cool duo 图文详情 0 本店推荐 Pony推荐韩国代购 Laka Mono eyeshadow哑光单色眼影20色23年新 ¥59 韩国Narka Hype fit hair masca...
The contents of each Too Cool for School product is as innovative as its packaging. Its gel eyeshadow (pictured) hydrates to prevent creasing while forming a water-resistant barrier (Image credit: press) The line’s lip and eye make-up remover is presented in two parts - one swab is soake...
The highlighter, on the other hand, is completely different from the contour and blush. Imagine those super shimmery shadows but in a giant pan form. This kind of reminds me of the first-ever eyeshadow palette I bought long ago at Claire’s at the beginning of my high school days....
Too Cool For School Dinoplatz Pearl Bay Invasion 珍珠幻彩妝前底霜 2.5 Based on 2 ratings 含有能反射光線的珍珠閃粉,令肌膚散發出光芒,而且令輪廓更見立體。另含有橄欖油、牛油果油、野玫瑰果油、薄荷油、竹樹萃取物、摩洛哥堅果油及仙人掌萃取物等七種高度鎖水的保濕成份,令肌膚保持一整天濕潤亮澤。
Big black long eyelashes, black eye pencil no eyeshadow nude lips and long black straight hair:) Heavy fighting in the capital of South Sudan: Heavy gunfire was reported in the South Sudanese capital of Juba... 5 Predictions About Real-Time Bidding in 2014: If ...
m going to plump for theLaura Mercier Caviar Stick Cream Eyeshadows. So good, I picked up themini sticks in their Christmas set. I fell into a bit of a rut halfway through the year when it came to doing makeup so these cream eyeshadow sticks have been a boon. They’re easy to ...