too cool for school (Hong Kong) cosmetics Limited 仍注册 报告 监控 中国香港 3万+ 0分钟前更新 公司编号:2494521 股本:- 注册日期:2017-03-07 电话:- 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址:-- 简介:too cool for school (Hong Kong) cosmetics Limited,成立于2017年,位于香港特别行政区。
Time Out says Details Users say A stylish, design-led cosmetics brand from South Korea. Packaging for the funky cosmetics and skincare products is all designed by art collaborators, and the store is - as you might expect - achingly cool. ...
Cosmetics Makeupoem O.two.o Private Label 3 Colors Easy Use Slim Brow Waterproof Thin Triangle Vegan Eyebrow Pencil O.two.o Private Label 3 Colorshb pencilbulk pencilskorean pencilsfancy pencilholographic eyeliner manufacturing private label custom vegan multicolor eyeliner pen vegan cruelty free ...
修容质量很好,京东快递发货很快,哈哈。价格比实体店优惠很多,物美价廉哦。客服服务态度很好,下次有需要再来买。有需要的不要错过啦。百科 too cool for school 三色修容粉饼 #2摩登米灰 9.5g too cool for school是来自韩国的美妆品牌,三色修容是tcfs家明星款产品,许多人学习修容入门就是从它开始。专为亚洲肤色...
Word Mark TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Goods and Services IC 003. US 001 004 006 050 051 052. G & S: Cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; eyebrow cosmetics; lavender water; loose face powder; rouges; liquid rouge; sachets for perfuming linen; lip liner; lipsticks; massage gels not for medical purposes; ...
独特活性果冻状配方,Too Cool For School 这款 Dinoplatz 润唇膏可使干燥的双唇更柔嫩丰满,缔造长久奢华效果。深入唇部,可即刻润湿,形成防护屏障,预防干燥入侵。每款润唇膏均可打造天然好唇色,使用后芳香怡人,久久不散。 细节 配方含有丰富的润肤剂和油脂,包括摩洛哥坚果油和月见草油,可锁定水分,抵御衰老 适合所有肤...
too cool for school 三色修容粉饼 #1经典咖棕 9.5g 79元 京东 11-02 13:23 0 0 88VIP:too cool for school 三色修容粉饼 9.5g 57.63元 天猫超市 11-01 22:00 0 0 too cool for school 酷修容盘三色高光一体盘阴影发际线粉男女鼻影 64元 天猫精选 11-09 12:02 0 0 too cool for scho...
Too Cool For School 白滑鸡蛋精华补水面膜(保湿型),含有营养丰富的蛋黄和蛋白,以及保湿活性成分,只需 20 分钟,即可见证水滑肌的奇迹。该超细纤维片状面膜贴合皮肤,可舒适贴服于整个面膜 细节 椰子水可保湿,烟酰胺和卡姆果提取物富含维生素C,可提亮皮肤 适宜干性皮肤 配方不含有对羟苯甲酸酯、硫酸盐和矿物盐 1 ...
Too Cool For School Dinoplatz Loose & Silly Powder 选择:Beautylish doesn't carry this product. Want it? Enter your email and we'll notify you of availability updates. Want It Like Details Ingredients A loose powder with SPF 27 that protects and spotlights the face....
If you’ve been around the K-beauty block for a while, you’ll know about the Too cool for school contour pact which comes with three shades in one compact. Within the past year or so, they came out with a blusher and highlighter as well. Just this past holiday, they came out...