4. 在美國,使用IBM 的Watson電腦軟體,你能夠在幾秒內,就有90%的準確性的法律顧問,比較起只有70% 準確性的人為律師,既便捷又便宜。 所以,你如果還有家人親友在讀大學的法律系,建議他們停學省錢,因為市場已大幅的縮減了,未來的世界,只需要現在10%的專業律師就夠了。 5. Watson 也已經能夠幫病人檢驗癌症,而且比...
When speaking of Watson with IBM, you’re now going to have to ask, “Which one?” Just in time for the Masters to tee off, the software company has partnered with none other thangolf superstar Tom Watson, whose 45-year career and many Masters appearances will end this year. The collab...
Watson, named after IBM's founder Thomas J. Watson, was created in IBM's Research labs. The company is now accelerating Watson into the market by the new IBM Watson Group. A huge $1 billion has been invested to "introduce a new class of cognitive computing services, software and apps."...
Other example AI platforms: KoreAI, Clinc, Concerto, IBM Watson, Google AI In more classical development consulting projects, my clients and teams have utilized the following. Azure Cloud, Co-Pilot, Power Virtual Agents, Power Automate, React Native, Revision control (SVN, Git, Mercurial, CVS)...