In their latest book, Ralph Watson McElvenny and Marc Wortman explore a bold argument: that Thomas J. Watson Jr., the second president of IBM, was the greatest capitalist who ever lived. McElvenny, the oldest grandson of Watson, and Wortman, an independe
Design has long been the secret weapon of many successful companies, from furniture maker Herman-Miller, whose whole strategy is design-centered, to Black & Decker, Sony, Mercedes and IBM. IBM’s Tom Watson Jr. was a design fanatic. Despite occasional fiascos, such as the first PCjr’s to...
When speaking of Watson with IBM, you’re now going to have to ask, “Which one?” Just in time for the Masters to tee off, the software company has partnered with none other thangolf superstar Tom Watson, whose 45-year career and many Masters appearances will end this year. The collab...
Watson, named after IBM's founder Thomas J. Watson, was created in IBM's Research labs. The company is now accelerating Watson into the market by the new IBM Watson Group. A huge $1 billion has been invested to "introduce a new class of cognitive computing services, software and apps."...
I've been a sysadmin for long enough that not much impresses me any more. Watching IBM's "Watson" computer playJeopardy!and beat the human contestants was, in a word, flabbergasting. Doug and I immediately began a quest to find someone from IBM that could talk about this amazing accompli...
IBM WATSON HEALTH大中华区运营官周德标、国药大学培训高级经理杨雄飞、淘宝大学学习运营中心负责人安秋明、兴业证券财富管理学院董事兼副总经理阮国男等嘉宾,也从人才战略、师资体系、人才培养、创新学习等角度进行了分享。 《全球企业英语流利度报告》显示,全球英语流利度领先的企业在财务目标、人才保留目标、创新目标、...