As withtungstenite-rsTLS is supported on all platforms usingnative-tlsorrustlsthrough feature flags:native-tls,rustls-tls-native-rootsorrustls-tls-webpki-rootsfeature flags. Neither is enabled by default. See theCargo.tomlfor more information. If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss:...
If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss://) enable one of them. Is it performant? In essence, tokio-tungstenite is a wrapper for tungstenite, so the performance is capped by the performance of tungstenite. tungstenite has a decent performance (it has been used in production for ...
As withtungstenite-rsTLS is supported on all platforms usingnative-tlsorrustlsthrough feature flags:native-tls,rustls-tls-native-rootsorrustls-tls-webpki-rootsfeature flags. Neither is enabled by default. See theCargo.tomlfor more information. If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss:...
As withtungstenite-rsTLS is supported on all platforms usingnative-tlsorrustlsthrough feature flags:native-tls,rustls-tls-native-rootsorrustls-tls-webpki-rootsfeature flags. Neither is enabled by default. See theCargo.tomlfor more information. If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss:...