use tokio_tungstenite::connect_async; use futures_util::StreamExt; use futures_util::SinkExt; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let url_name = "wss://..."; let (ws_stream, _) = connect_async(url_name).await.unwrap(); let (mut write, mut read) = ws_stream.split(); tokio:...
As withtungstenite-rsTLS is supported on all platforms usingnative-tlsorrustlsthrough feature flags:native-tls,rustls-tls-native-rootsorrustls-tls-webpki-rootsfeature flags. Neither is enabled by default. See theCargo.tomlfor more information. If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss:...
let (socket, _response) = tokio_tungstenite::connect_async(format!("ws://{addr}/echo")) .await .unwrap(); test_echo_app(socket).await; } #[crate::test] #[cfg(feature = "http2")] async fn http2() { let addr = spawn_service(echo_app()); let io = TokioIo::new(TcpStream:...
usetokio::net::TcpListener;usetokio_rustls::rustls::{ServerConfig,NoClientAuth};usetokio_rustls::TlsAcceptor;usetokio_tungstenite::accept_async;usetungstenite::Message;#[tokio::main]asyncfnmain(){// Load your certificates and private keyletcerts=load_certs("p...
为了达成这个目的,首先你需要一个合适的 websocket server(除非你想自己实现 rfc6455),于是经过一番搜索,你找到了 tokio-tungstenite,一个看上去不错的 websocket 实现。你学习了它的文档,费了一些力气(主要是填补一些 WS 知识),将其集成到自己的 chat server 中。随后,你觉得这个 chat server 不够安全,于是又...
If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss://) enable one of them. Is it performant? In essence, tokio-tungstenite is a wrapper for tungstenite, so the performance is capped by the performance of tungstenite. tungstenite has a decent performance (it has been used in production for ...
As withtungstenite-rsTLS is supported on all platforms usingnative-tlsorrustlsthrough feature flags:native-tls,rustls-tls-native-rootsorrustls-tls-webpki-rootsfeature flags. Neither is enabled by default. See theCargo.tomlfor more information. If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss:...
As withtungstenite-rsTLS is supported on all platforms usingnative-tlsorrustlsthrough feature flags:native-tls,rustls-tls-native-rootsorrustls-tls-webpki-rootsfeature flags. Neither is enabled by default. See theCargo.tomlfor more information. If you require support for secure WebSockets (wss:...