我们在执行 rt.block_on 来阻塞当前线程之前, 先调用 rt.spawn 方法新增了一个异步任务. 其次, 在主线程, block_on 的Future 和spawn 的Future 里面, 我们分别输出当前的线程号 (ThreadId). 执行结果如下: Main thread: ThreadId(1) [ThreadId(1)] Printing in a future (L1). [ThreadId(7)] Printin...
在Tokio 运行时上运行的任务总是在它的上下文中,因为block_on 调用Runtime::enter方法进入了上下文中 示例:下面代码将在tokio::spawn调用时出错,因为它没有在 Tokio 运行时上下文中调用 use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use anyhow::Result; fn main() -> Result<()> { let _ = tokio::spaw...
对大量 Future 调用 join 或者 select 一类支持传入 Vec / iter 参数类型的函数,比如这个例子中的for handle in handles { ... }部分就可以改写成futures::future::join_all(handles).await;; 把async block/fn 变成任务,然后调用Runtime::block_on(等价地,对任务 await)来执行许多任务。 容易犯的错误是,希...
usestd::{io, thread, time::Duration};usetokio::runtime::Runtime;fnmain()->io::Result<()> {letruntime= Runtime::new()?;letresult= runtime.block_on(async{println!("hello tokio");println!("{}", thread::current().name().unwrap());44});println!("{}", result);println!("{}"...
执行在Runtime上的block_on()方法,从而像同步一样执行异步代码 usebytes::Bytes;usestd::time::Duration;implBlockingClient{pubfnget(&mutself,key:&str)->crate::Result<Option<Bytes>>{self.rt.block_on(self.inner.get(key))}pubfnset(&mutself,key:&str,value:Bytes)->crate::Result<()>{self.rt...
来执行待调度的 task, 以避免整个tokio runtime 完全 hang 住(有 task 但没 worker 运行它).
Tokio 的 task 里如果使用了一个阻塞调用, 例如 block_on(), 会阻塞当前的 worker 线程, 为了能继续运行, 必须增加worker, 但现实是, 就算 worker 再多, tokio 也可能造成永久性的阻塞. github.com/drmingdrmer/tips/blob/main/tips/Tokio%20%E4%B8%AD%20hang%20%E6%AD%BB%E6%89%80%E6%9C%89%20...
So, the code inside the futures::executor::block_on is not really running on the tokio executor. If a future inside of the block_on yields, it only yields to the executor created by the call to block_on, not back to the Tokio runtime created by tokio::main. I think that the reaso...
block_on(init_proxy0(context, current_device, client_cipher))?; let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<()>(); let worker = stop_manager.add_listener("ipProxy".into(), move || { let _ = sender.send(()); })?; thread::Builder::new() .name("ipProxy".into...
(num_threads) // Lower OS priority of worker threads to prioritize main runtime .on_thread_start(move || set_current_thread_priority_low()) .build() .expect("Creating Tokio runtime"); // Pull task requests off the channel and send them to the executor runtime.block_on(async move {...