The token bucket algorithm can be conceptually understood as follows: A token is added to the bucket every1/rseconds.r是每秒生产的token总数 The bucket can hold at the mostbtokens. If a token arrives when the bucket is full, it is discarded.bucket初始时就是满的,并且满了就塞不进tokens了 ...
The algorithm modifies the weights of the associated NetworkUtility Maximization problem, rather than for example applying a token bucket to the scheduler'soutput or adding constraints in the physical layer.We study the efficacy of the algorithm through simulations with various schedulers from ...
The algorithm modifies the weights of the associated NetworkUtility Maximization problem, rather than for example applying a token bucket to the scheduler'soutput or adding constraints in the physical layer.We study the efficacy of the algorithm through simulations with various schedulers from ...
A hierarchical token bucket algorithm to enhance QoS in IEEE 802.11: proposal, implementation and evaluation The performance of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks in combination with a hierarchical token bucket traffic shaper is assessed. The analysis allows... JL Valenzuela,A Monleon,I San ...
A new approach for WiMAX multi-hop network & token bucket packet scheduling algorithm A new Packet Scheduler whose architecture is based on the cross-layer paradigm is proposed for the IEEE 802.16j standard. The scheduler combines functionalities derived from the use of the utility function concept...
The Wireless Hierarchical Token Bucket: A Channel Aware Scheduler for 802.11 Networks The paper proposes an architecture for a scheduling algorithm, to be integrated in IEEE 802.11 Access Points (AP), able to take into account, besides the t... S Giordano,S Lucetti,E Valori - IEEE Internatio...
The type of the traffic arrival process exhibits a bursty and correlated behavior, which totally degrade the network performance. To overcome these, this paper has been dedicated on improving the PASCCC further by utilizing token bucket algorithm rather than priority queues. This work has further...