token按指定速率添加到bucket中 一个bucket有其容量限制,超过其容量则多余的token会被丢弃 当请求到来时,先试图获取token,如果剩余token足够则放行,不够则不允许放行(可能等待token足够再继续) 简单实现 /** * The minimalistic token-bucket implementation */publicclassMinimalisticTokenBucket{privatefinallongcapacity;p...
This is a threadsafe implementation of theToken Bucket algorithmin PHP. You can use a token bucket to limit an usage rate for a resource (e.g. a stream bandwidth or an API usage). The token bucket is an abstract metaphor which doesn't have a direction of the resource consumption. I.e...
1structTokenBucket2{3uint64_tfill_interval_;4uint64_tgen_interval_;5uint64_treset_time_;6//reset_time_ is equivalent to last_consume_time + token_num and7//the calculated token num is auto renormalized on limit change.89TokenBucket()10: fill_interval_(0)11, gen_interval_(0)12, res...
A distributed token bucket rate limiter for Go using Redis, with fallback support using golangtokenbucketratelimit UpdatedOct 5, 2024 Go nathan-fiscaletti/tokenbucket-rs Sponsor Star2 A TokenBucket algorithm implementation for Rust ...
Token Bucket Algorithm Reference Token bucket Over the long run the output of conformant packets is limited by the token rate,rr. Implementation packagemainimport("os""sync""time"logger"""")funcinit(){...
Implementing a Per-Flow Token Bucket Using Open Packet Processor The paper shows the design of the token bucket algorithm using the extended finite state machine (EFSM) abstraction provided by OPP and discusses the details of the implementation carried out using a proof-of-concept FPGA prototype of...
San Esteban, Marc Portoles, and Oriol Sallent. "A Hierarchical Token Bucket Algorithm to Enhance QoS in IEEE 802.11: Proposal, Implementation and Evaluation." In Vehicular Technology Conference, 2659 - 2662. Los Angeles, CA: IEEE, 2004.
A hierarchical token bucket algorithm to enhance QoS in IEEE 802.11: proposal, implementation and evaluation The performance of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks in combination with a hierarchical token bucket traffic shaper is assessed. The analysis allows... JL Valenzuela,A Monleon,I San ...
implementation.Modern systems support hardware-less CryptoTokenKit (CTK) extensions. I don’t support this technology myself, but DTS’s CTK specialist regularly answers question about this.By “modern” I mean “if TKTokenDriverConfiguration is available”, with the caveat that it didn’t start...
rate-limitrate-limitertokenbucket UpdatedOct 30, 2023 TypeScript nathan-fiscaletti/tokenbucket-rs A TokenBucket algorithm implementation for Rust rustbuckettokentokenbucket UpdatedNov 3, 2024 Rust truexf/goutil Star2 Here is a box of chocolates, here is the magic room, come in and have a look...