令牌桶算法(token bucket algorithm) 限流 http://blog.csdn.net/sunnyyoona/article/details/51228456 今天观看QCon大会讲述了阿里线上管控体系,其中主要使用了令牌桶算法来实现限流的目的。表示非常好奇,故此学习一下什么是令牌桶算法。 1. 简介 令牌桶算法最初来源于计算机网络。在网络传输数据时,为了防止网络拥塞,...
Dual rate, three-color (two token buckets). What is Token Bucket? 令牌桶算法是用于计算机网络和电信中用于流量整形和速率限制的算法。它旨在控制系统在某种时间段内可以发送或接收的数据量,确保流量符合指定的速率。 让我们先从一个最简单的模型看起。 令牌桶背后的基本思想非常简单。当数据包到达时,Policer将...
It is interesting to note that the Token Bucket (TB) algorithm as a control mechanism has been employed popularly in them.; In this thesis, we construct a new dynamic model for the TB control mechanism and apply a system approach to its analysis. This model is then augmented by adding a...
To adjust the traffic burst rate and support dynamic service flows, a multi-service Token Bucket Algorithm was Proposed to Quality of Service architecture in Cable Modem of HFC access network, based on a token assignment module between token generator and bucket, and polling policy. The Acceptance...
The single-rate-two-bucket mechanism uses the srTCM algorithm defined in RFC 2697 to measure traffic and marks packets green, yellow, or red based on the metering result. As shown in Figure 9-1, buckets C and E contain Tc and Te tokens, respectively. The single-rate-two-bucket me...
上文说到Policer是一个通过令牌桶算法进行报文流量监控的组件,Policer经常进行令牌的消耗和补充。然而,在补充过程中,如果令牌桶中剩余的令牌还很多,那么就有可能发生溢出的可能。这篇文章将深入了解令牌桶对于补充令牌时溢出的两种方式: Sharing Excess Bandwidth ...
Unsure above, will help you beyond these features are more complex than they appear, but remember "Alice", in a prior thread I warned about going down the rabbit hole. ; )
If a packet is categorized as conforming (so its size in bytes is less than or equal to the CIR), why are tokens removed from the Be (PIR) bucket as well? That's all, thank you. David I have this problem too Labels: Other Network Other Networking 0...
A hierarchical token bucket algorithm to enhance QoS in IEEE 802.11: proposal, implementation and evaluation The performance of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks in combination with a hierarchical token bucket traffic shaper is assessed. The analysis allows... JL Valenzuela,A Monleon,I San ...
Java rate-limiting library based on token-bucket algorithm. Get dependency The Bucket4j is distributed throughMaven Central: Java 17 dependency <!--For java 17+--><dependency> <groupId>com.bucket4j</groupId> <artifactId>bucket4j_jdk17-core</artifactId> <version>8.14.0</version> </dependenc...