表7:TOGAF Template for Defining Principles 3)原则质量:Understandability、Robustness、Completeness、Consistency和Stability 表8:Recommended Criteria for Quality Principles 7、Request for Architecture Work This is a document that is sent from the sponsoring organization to the architecture organization totrigger ...
3.1 Tailored Architecture Framework定制的架构框架 3.2 Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture企业架构的组织模型 3.3 Architecture Principles架构原则 Developing Architecture Principles开发架构的原则 Defining Architecture Principles定义架构的原则 Qualities of Principles质量原则 Applying Architecture Principles应用架...
Purpose: Architecture Principles Template for Architecture Principles What Makes a Good Architecture Principle? Business Scenarios The Purpose of Gap Analysis Interoperability Business Transformation Readiness Assessment Risk Management and the TOGAF® ADM Unit 5: Introduction to Applying the ADM How to Appl...
Template for Architecture Principles What Makes a Good Architecture Principle Business Scenarios The Purpose of Gap Analysis Interoperability Business Transformation Readiness Assessment Risk Management and the TOGAF® ADM Module 5: Introduction to Applying the ADM ...
Which section of the TOGAF template for Architecture Principles should clearly state the impact to the business and consequences of adopting the principle A A.启示Implications B B.名称Name C C.依据Rationale D D.描述Statement 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: TOGAF文档的哪一部分描述了架构交付物的...
A C a s e S t u d y P u b l i s h e d b y T h e O p e n G r o u p 6 The Open Group Architecture Principles Standard Template Architectural principles need to cover the full range of the architectural spectrum. TOGAF states that there are four such areas: 1. Business...
Thisdocumentshows“typical”contentsoftheArchitecturePrinciplesandcanbeadaptedtoalignwithanyTOGAFadaptationbeingimplemented. 5 PrinciplesTemplate Eachprinciplewillfollowthetemplatebelow.ThetemplatecanbeadaptedtoalignwithanyTOGAFadaptationbeingimplemented. TheNameshouldbothrepresenttheessenceoftheruleaswellasbeeasytoremember...
Notes for Visual Paradigm, Enterprise Architecture, Agile and Software development 随笔- 23, 文章 - 166, 评论 - 4, 阅读 - 21万 文章分类 - TOGAF TOGAF®标准是开放集团的标准,是世界领先组织为提高业务效率而采用的经验证的企业体系结构方法和框架。信息技术 是最突出、最可靠的企业体系结构标准,...
Table 4 shows the main concerns and principles for this team project, here completed for the overarching Enterprise Viewpoint using the TOGAF 9 template (The Open Group, 2012). Enterprise architecture specification case study More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ TOFG TOFGA TOFHLA TOFI TOFIR ...
3.16架构原则Architecture Principles 3.17架构愿景Architecture Vision 3.18制品Artifact 3.19基线Baseline 3.20无边界信息流Boundary less Information Flow 3.21构建块Building Block 3.22业务架构Business Architecture 3.23业务功能Business Function 3.24业务治理Business Governance ...