2:Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise. 3:Information Management is Everybody's Business 4:Business Continuity. 5:Common Use Applications. 6:Compliance with Law.. 7:IT Responsibility. 8:Protection of Intellectual Property. Data Principles. 9:Data is an Asset 10:Data is Shared. 11...
3.1 Tailored Architecture Framework定制的架构框架 3.2 Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture企业架构的组织模型 3.3 Architecture Principles架构原则 Developing Architecture Principles开发架构的原则 Defining Architecture Principles定义架构的原则 Qualities of Principles质量原则 Applying Architecture Principles应用架...
Enterprise architecture applies architecture principles and practices to guide organizations through the business process, Data & information, and technology changes necessary to execute their strategies. These practices utilize the various aspects of an enterprise to identify, motivate, and achieve these ...
This is a document that is sent from the sponsoring organization to the architecture organization totrigger the start of an architecture development cycle. It is produced with the assistance of the architecture organization as an output of the Preliminary Phase. Requests for Architecture Work will als...
企业架构技能(Enterprise Architecture Skills):通常包括建模、构建块设计、应用和角色设计、系统集成等。 方案或项目管理技能(Program or Project Management Skills):通常包括管理业务变更、项目管理方法和工具等。 通用IT知识技能(IT General Knowledge Skills):通常包括代理应用(brokering applications)、资产管理、迁移规划...
Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture 企业架构的组织模型 Architecture Principles 架构原则 Developing Architecture Principles 开发架构的原则 Defining Architecture Principles 定义架构的原则 Qualities of Principles 质量原则 Applying Architecture Principles 应用架构原则 ...
2. 企业架构开发(Enterprise Architecture Development): - 架构愿景和路线图(Architecture Vision and Roadmap):建立企业的未来方向,关键战略指导方针。 - - 战略架构(Strategic Architecture):定义组织的战略目标以及支持它们的高层架构。 - - 原则(Principles):阐述企业的价值观和假设,为架构决策提供指导。 3. 阶段...
Technology Principles. 17:Requirements-Based Change. 18:Responsive Change Management 19:Control Technical Diversity. 20:Interoperability. togaf业务架构原则 togaf 业务架构原则 TOGAF(The Open Group Architecture Framework)是一个面 向企业架构开发的标准框架,由 The Open Group(开放集团)开 发和维护。TOGAF 提供...
• How did The Open Group apply the principles? • How did The Open Group comply with the principles? The Open Group would like to acknowledge Sasol Synfuels Information Management Principles of Enterprise Architecture, which was used to embellish the set of architecture principles developed by ...
TOGAF® is a globally used and standardised Enterprise Architecture framework, that enables a meticulous approach to orchestrating, designing, crafting, planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating information systems. TOGAF® is an incremental, modular, and iterative approach to Enterprise Architectur...