The Governance Log provides a record of governance activity across the enterprise. Reference Models The definition of the Reference Models are substantially revised in TOGAF 9. There are two reference models are provides: Technical Reference Model (TRM) - A Foundation Architecture which serves as a ...
3.5 企业架构服务Enterprise Architecture Services. 21 3.5.1 企业支持服务Enterprise Support Services 23 3.5.2 设计支持服务Design Support Services 23 3.5.3 开发支持服务Development Support Services 23 3.5.4 需求的获取和理解服务. 23 3.5.5 架构规划服务Architecture Planning Services 24 3.5.6 企业架构实践开...
Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF ( The Open Group Architecture Framework )Mcsweeney
Of particular importance is the definition of boundaries between different Enterprise Architecture practitioners and the governance relationships that span across these boundaries. 为了成功地使用架构框架,它必须得到企业中正确的组织,角色和职责的支持。特别重要的是定义不同企业架构从业者与跨越这些边界的治理关系...
EnterpriseContinuum9 TOGAFReferenceModels9 ArchitectureCapabilityFramework9 What’sNewinTOGAFVersion9.1?10 TOGAF9.1andCertification12 FurtherReading13 AbouttheAuthor13 AboutTheOpenGroup13 AWhitePaperPublishedbyTheOpenGroup3 BoundarylessInformationFlow
The Architecture Development Method (ADM) is applied to develop an enterprise architecture which will meet the business and information technology needs of an organization. The TOGAF ADM is the result of continuous contributions from a large number of architecture practitioners for serving the following...
TOGAF 9 Template - Architecture Definition_架构定义文件.doc,3目标、目的和约束73.1业务和技术目标73.2由目标派生的目的73.3利益相关者及其关注83.4约束93.5能力94一致性104.1架构原则104.2政策和标准105风险和问题115.1假定115.2风险115.3问题115.4依赖性126基线架构136
Information management initiatives should be conducted in accordance with the enterprise plan. Individual organizations should pursue information management initiatives which conform to the blueprints and priorities established by the enterprise. We will change the plan as we need to. As needs ...
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is one of the most widely accepted methods for developing enterprise architecture. TOGAF is an open framework, providing a practical, definitive and proven step-by-step method for developing and maintaining enterprise architecture.You can use the TOGAF ...
3.39 企业连续统一体Enterprise Continuum 一种分类机制,用于对架构和解决方案制品进行分类,无论是内部还是外部的架构存储库,因为它们从通用的基础架构演变为特定于组织的架构。 另见第3.9节和第3.71节。 3.40 基础架构Foundation Architecture 泛型构建块,它们与其他构建块的相互关系,以及为构建更具体的架构提供基础的原则...