个人使用folke/todo-comments.nvim查询todu项。 长期 java编程思想 整理 计算机网络完善 操作系统完善 Java 全栈知识体系 学习深入+笔记完善 微服务架构 分布式系统相关 数据库架构 待完善/整理 设计模式 编译原理 zookeeper完善 java并发笔记完善 RabbitMQ基础整理 鉴权方式整理 CORS跨域完善+整理 linux常用命令&工具...
Spell checking of string literals and commentsPendingNormalMedium Code Templates Rework snippet dialog usability PendingNormalMedium Snippet sharing webservice PendingNormalMedium Snippets provided by add-ins PendingNormalMedium Text Editor Improvements
Vim integration Vim mapping to a todo item status toggle Vim mapping to done items to idonethis push Vim mapping to done items to a separate file archive Mac OSX integration to fswatch the file, and [git changes to a Gist launchctl push](https://github.com/svenfuchs/todo.txt/blob/maste...
$ vimdiff file1 file2 file3 file4# up to 4 files Another way to see what parts of the jstack trace are changing over time is to compare adjacent jstack trace using$ context diff (-c option): d_old=""fordinjstack.13585.12171*doif[-n"$d_old"]thendiff-c"$d_old""$d"fid_old="...
integrity sha1-+3OHA66NL5/pAMM4Nt3r7ouX8j4= generic-names@^2.0.1: version "2.0.1" resolved "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/generic-names/download/generic-names-2.0.1.tgz#f8a378ead2ccaa7a34f0317b05554832ae41b872" integrity sha1-+KN46tLMqno08DF7BVVIMq5BuHI= dependencies: ...
VIM 参考手册 by Bram Moolenaar 译者: Willis http://vimcdoc.sf.net Vim 待完成任务列表 *todo* 这是一个很长。。。的已知漏洞,目前工作和未来希望的改进的列表 (英文)。为了使其 能稍微好找一点,项目由主题编组。每行的第一列是标明准备时候去做的分类,以便按 部就班,依次解决。 优先级分类: 9 下一...
vim conf/buildAgent.properties (update serverUrl as TC server, name of this build agent which has been identified in TC server) bin/agent.sh start Troubleshooting master node cannot boot from ISO Currently PIT need to copy ISO image from remote nfs/ftp to local storage by using scp, sometim...
master vue-todo-tech/package-lock.json Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 7214 lines (7214 sloc) 258 KB Raw Blame { "name": "vue-ssr-tech", "version": "1.0.0", "lockfileVersion": 1, "requires": true, "dependenci...
-- editor = code -n -w i use [core] editor = vim [core] editor = code -n -w This worked for me but if I remove-nthen I get the same issue:Unable to open 'git-rebase-todo' I'm not using GitLens for this btw, so I don't really think it's a GitLens issue. ...