Put your cursor on the first # character, press CtrlV (or CtrlQ for gVim), and go down until the last commented line and press x, that will delete all the # characters vertically. For commenting a block of text is almost the same: First, go to the first line you want to comm...
If you’re using gvim you should visit that page for more information. It looks like you can use the convential RGB syntax (like “#FFCC99”) to specify colors in a GUI environment. Summary: vi and vim color settings Whew, that seems like a lot of “vi and vim color” ground to ...
You've selected two words in the middle of a line in visual mode, yanked them with y, they are in the unnamed register. Now you want to open a new line just below where you are, with those two words: :pu. This is shorthand for :put ". The :put command, like many Ex commands,...
In Linux distros you have to install vim-gtk (aka gvim) first to gain clipboard functionality. This is because non-gtk vim is typically compiled without X11 support. This is to allow it to run on console only machines (often servers). And for those confused about how to use registers whe...
guifg. Foreground color for GVim. guibg, Background color for GVim. guiattr. AdditionalGUIattributes (e.g., bold, underline, etc.). When specifying the values forctermfg,ctermbg/guifg, andguibg, use standard color names, their prescribed numbers, or hex values (only in the GUI). ...
Add a comment 7 In order to support python-mode you need to have +python AND +python3. This should get you there (at least on macOS): ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-features=huge --enable-pythoninterp --enable-python3interp make sudo make install Share Improve this answer...
Using Vim Macro feature you can record and play a sequence of actions inside the editor. This article explains how to perform record and play inside Vi and Vim editor using two detailed examples. Start recording by pressing q, followed by a lower case ch
$cd src/main/conf$gvim server.xml$git diff server.xml# On branch master # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout --..." to discard changes in working directory) ...
ITaS been six months since the birth of my gorgeous baby girl, but Iam finding it hard to get my sex drive back. My husband is obviously keen to get things started again in the bedroom but Iam finding that Iam genuinely too tired or just donat have the drive anymore. Should I be ...
or hassle of a Linux VM. WSLg will let you run other IDEs such as gedit, JetBrains based editors, gvim, etc., to test, build, and debug your Linux applications in a high performance manner. You can also run VS Code on Windows like I do and useVS Code Remoteto talk to...