Single-line TODO comment Multiline TODO comment Regular comment line TODOtool window TODO items By default, there are two patterns recognized by IntelliJ IDEA:TODOandFIXMEin both lower and upper case. These patterns can be used inside line and block comments of any supported file type. You can ...
Tool window:View | Tool Windows | TODO Sometimes, you need to mark parts of your code for future reference: areas of optimization and improvement, possible changes, questions to be discussed, and so on. PhpStorm lets you add special types of comments that arehighlightedin the editor, indexed...
The Tasks tab also reports the line number in the code where the TODO comment can be found.Rules for Using TODOThe rules for using TODO in comments are as follows:The TODO string can appear in either the // or the /* */ style of comment. The TODO string must be the very first...
TODO即将着手编写的代码,说明需要完成的任务或实现的功能 XXX代码有问题或具误导性,需引起警惕 FIXME代...
^Comment (computer programming) - Wikipedia
So here's how it works: In VB you just put any comment in that begins with the letters "todo" (case doesn't matter):In C#, it's pretty much the same thing (again, case doesn't matter):C++ requires that the “TODO” be in upper-case or it will not show up in the Task List...
Did you know about the "to do" comment feature or custom tokens? They seriously rock if you have never used them and, because they go in source code, everyone can have access to the information when you check-in the code!TODO Comments...
Comment和TODO 以前写.NET和Java程序时,熟悉项目的代码或者第三方库我都是反编译看的。这两个平台编译出来的是字节码,反编译还原度很高。这种方式好处很多。反编译器自带的分析功能可以看到全局样貌:类、属性、方法、接口,以及它们的实现和引用。最重要的,反编译出来没有注释,浏览时负担小很多。
也称为元数据,和注释 comment 的区别:Annotation 可以提供编译期的一些操作,比如类型检查。Annotation 是Java 5 引入的新特性。Java 5 在 java.lang 中内置了三种标准注解。 @Override:表示当前方法其实是覆盖父类的方法 @Deprecated:表示该类或方法不建议使用了,未来有可能被废弃或者移除。
Worksheets(1).Range("E5").CommentThreaded.AddReply "Current Sales" Soporte técnico y comentarios¿Tiene preguntas o comentarios sobre VBA para Office o esta documentación? Vea Soporte técnico y comentarios sobre VBA para Office para obtener ayuda sobre las formas en las que puede recibir sopor...