One of the people I live with has a flexible relationship with the truth. RB will say whatever she wants to get what she wants. Add her darling smile, munchable cheeks, long lashes and I must continue to remind myself that she’s the most untrustworthy person in my life. If I call ...
Refusing to poop Toddler tips & info Raise a reader Can’t make it through page two of book one? Chalk it up to your child’s age, not her future potential as a reader. While few toddlers are able to sit still for storytime, there are some ways to foster a love of literature …...
Help for parenting toddlers, dealing with the terrible twos (figuring out how to turn them into the lovely twos), how to handle toddler tantrums, strong willed toddlers, normal toddler behaviors, and poop training toddlers. Need inspiration for some todd
Also, you might have a child that isn’t showing any interest in potty training, such as curiosity around you or their siblings’ bathroom habits. They also might not have the vocabulary to identify what they need to do, like using words for "pee" and "poop." In that case, it might...
Toddlers are smart and do learn different caretakers have different rules and routines. At daycare, the social “pressure” can encourage your toddler to do a lot of cool things at daycare that he won’t do at home like sleep, clean, and even go on thepotty. And, of course, your toddl...
or a squatting platform, like aSquatty Pottyas this will also help him to have a complete evacuation and prevent poor bowel habits from developing or worsening. Basically, make sure his knees are higher than his hips when pooing – everyone in my family follows this guideline for healthy def...
Constipation is the hidden enemy of potty training, and painful poops can trigger resistance. Healthy, fiber-rich food can help if you think your child might be constipated. Keep it Fun with Games Get creative! Try this game: Tell your Potty Partner that you have to go potty, and that ...
This chart allows you to write in your own goals to meet your child's needs. Here are some goals you can use to get started: I said I had to use the potty I sat on the potty for one minute I went pee in the potty I went poop in the potty ...
My daughter loves how she gets such a BIG treat for going to the bathroom on the potty. When she remembers to go poop on the potty she deserves something that is so much fun to eat. UPDATE: Our second daughter actually potty trained HERSELF! Read THIS STORY about potty training readiness...
Testing is like a mouse in our house. If we don’t notice it and handle it effectively, it’s likely to show up in other situations as well (and multiply!). How to help:Testing is our children’s subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) way ofsignaling for our helpand requires a clear...