Potty training is a journey. And it starts well before your toddler actually starts peeing and pooping in their potty. It starts with watching for signs of potty training readiness and includes everything from shopping for potty training essentials to learning about how everything works in the ...
Japan is a country that offers an unparalleled variety of pooping experiences, from its legendary high-tech washlet toilets to the traditional squat style and even rural pit toilets. And yet, the Japanese can still find room in their hearts, and their butts, to welcome a newcomer. The photo ...
During the potty training phase of development children really start to become curious about their own bodies. And remember, they are always trying to get a rise out of you. By shying away from uncomfortable subjects like pooping and farting, you’re teaching your child that these subjects make...
If you have a little one that loves Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, then this potty book is for you and your little one. This book tackles the concept of trying to go potty before you leave the house. You canread more about the book and buy it HERE on Amazon. Potty This book has a fu...
Me: “L, are you pooping sweetie? Let’s go to the potty to finish so we can have a treat!” L: “Ummm, no thank you. You change my bum!” (she then runs and hides. At least she declines politely, right?) Me: (trying to remind her the potty is nothing to cry about) “L...
"Poop is the hardest thing about potty training," Glowacki says. "There's a lot of fear and anxiety around it. Kids sit and they can't release." To help, Glowacki has a list of things to try, the first of which is Play-Doh. Sometimes, a child needs to see what pooping looks...
I feel really awkward asking this question, but hopefully someone on here has some advice! Nearly 3yo DD is mostly potty trained, still in nappies at night. Can't get her to poo in the toilet, she saves it for night when she's in her nappy. Looking at how to stop this, but I'...