If your child is not pooping on a regular basis (ideally at least every other day) without pain or discomfort, then it is important to get constipation corrected before the potty training process begins. You’ll want your child to be pooping regularly and comfortably for at least 30 days be...
“I pooped in the potty, I’m supposed to get a car bed!” “Yes.” SIGH. Crib, we had a good run. Who knew when I sent Captain off to fetch a giant, plastic, toddler, car bed I found on Craigslist, that I would then have a subsequent car loving kid who has just about outg...
Potty trainingor bladder and bowel control Try regulating their emotions Seek autonomy via an “I can do it myself” attitude (this can affect their food choices, feeding behavior, or overall behavior) Saying “No” & Other “Power Struggles” ...
Weight 20.46 lbs Has written warranty No Color White Similar items you might like Based on what customers bought $59.98 current price $59.98 More options from $56.32 COSCO 2-Step Kitchen Stepper, Adult Folding Step Stool (Steel/Resin)
This colorful board book is great for breaking down each step for potty training. You canread more about the book and buy it HERE on Amazon. We Poop On The Potty This book is for helping your kids feel more comfortable with pooping and poop, in general. You canread more about the book...
I feel really awkward asking this question, but hopefully someone on here has some advice! Nearly 3yo DD is mostly potty trained, still in nappies at night. Can't get her to poo in the toilet, she saves it for night when she's in her nappy. Looking at how to stop this, but I'...
Third, make sitting on the potty (not even necessarily pooping) a habit for 3-5 minutes after meals. A footstool will help your child feel more secure if they have fear of falling into the toilet. Use a reward chart or other sort of celebration to take the stress away from toileting....
She was also having a problem with constipation, which was also causing gas, too. Once we got her on babyfood, we noticed that after a successful pooping day, she woke less that night. My husband and I started taking turns around 2 years old, and she did much bett...
Me: “L, are you pooping sweetie? Let’s go to the potty to finish so we can have a treat!” L: “Ummm, no thank you. You change my bum!” (she then runs and hides. At least she declines politely, right?) Me: (trying to remind her the potty is nothing to cry about) “L...
good job (getting the pee in the toilet or wiping well after pooping). Eventually, just tell him to call you if he needs help and leave it to him. Of course, if accidents happen regularly you may need torevisit a few lessons, but sooner or later, he’ll be doing it all on his ...