Your toddler is hitting new milestones.Sometimes toddlers won’t sleep well if they’re about to make a developmental leap (likelearning to walkorscribblewith a crayon) or have just hit a milestone (like being able to ask for things rather than pointing to what they want). ...
going at it head-to-head with a tot who’s only a fraction of our size. We might be compelled to lash out, even hit or bite back(!), or attempt to regain control by sternly laying down the law,shaming or punishingour toddler in the...
My husband keeps saying every time we try to clean…Like nature, a toddler abhors a vacuum. And BTW, I have resorted to threatening the 6yo that the Easter Bunny will totally turn around and walk out and not leave any hidden eggs or treats if the toys are not cleaned up in time. ...
being understood. “You feel like hitting, but I won’t let you hit. That would hurt your friend. I see how much you want that toy he has… You seem frustrated
are you putting him to bed too late so he’s overtired and hitting a second wind, or is thestimulation before bed is too highand needs to be taken down a few notches so wind down time aligns with yourbedtime routine. All of these can be contributing factors to extra energy you may be...
I still have the desire to run the marathon, but I’m not putting the pressure of hitting a certain time on my shoulders right now! Double stroller run with Max and …Carl? That being said, I am doing my best to run my easy runs easy and to do some fast finish miles during long...
motorbikes can go around. The people on the motorbikes have a vested interest in NOT hitting you, so try to make it easy for them to avoid you by being predictable. Walk slowly, watching the oncoming traffic, and wave one arm above your head to make sure people have noticed you. (You...
definitely works for toddlers who seem to wiggle all night long. my granddaughter has a full size bed, but i was very concerned that she would be hitting the floor for the next few months until she got use to her bed but this definitely comes in handy it’s high enough, so she does...
25.Awhale-shaped bath spout cover, so your tyke can splish and splash without accidentally hitting their head on the ever-interesting-to-them spout. You're welcome.,Amazon Promising review:"My 1-year-old was always getting close to the faucet to play with the water and wou...
say when he keeps hitting me with a big smile on his face. As you say, he knows what he is doing is wrong, he just needs my guidance. I don’t know how to respond while he keeps trying to hit me. Deep down I know that sending him to his room isn’t helping but hon...