Biting and other forms of self-harm, like head banging, can be a way to cope with negative emotions. Your child's attempts at hurting themself may also be a way to get your attention. When it happens, don't punish your child or make too big a deal out of the biting itself,...
then correction.”This may be as simple as putting a hand over theirs and saying, “I can see that you’re upset.” Then, make it clear that their behavior isn’t safe: “Hitting isn’t okay.” All emotions are okay, but
Nobody wants to have their child be in any way uncomfortable or upset, but that’s what they need to do a lot of the time. And she’s showing that very clearly because when you try to console her, she’s hitting you and saying, No, this is not what I need!
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Will mom be consistent when she reacts? I obviously don't know what is going on in my son's little head, but he loves to explore and test limits in new situations. I find that when I consistently respond in the way that I will explain later on, his interest in hitting decreases. ...
Unlike when they have a nightmare, children don’t wake up during anight terror, though they may seem agitated and thrash around. Night terrors happen during the very deep, non-REM sleep phase, so it’s usually impossible to wake your tot up, even if she seems upset, or for her to ...
He runs around the house hitting things with it. We have to hide the broom in the coat closet and never let him see… Liz says: April 5, 2012 at 5:11 pm Mine does the exact same thing with the swiffer! Samantha says: April 5, 2012 at 7:13 pm My 16mth son LOVES the ...
I have been training for marathons since 2007, and yet I still forget how challenging it is mentally even when it’s semi-routine. I still have the desire to run the marathon, but I’m not putting the pressure of hitting a certain time on my shoulders right now! Double stroller run ...
When behavior unravels like this, it typically means that we have an exhausted, wound-up child with some feelings he needs to express, and the parent is not being clear enough about limits, because he or she doesn’t want an upset child. Then the child usually continues testing in a vari...
gather my bearings and because he was so actively upset and I was afraid he would maybe head butt me. I just wanted to ask, do you think I am handling this correctly? I know I gave in with breastfeeding, but when you are concerned with his safety is it better to just give in or...