「 Today in history 」📖1821年4月9日:法国著名诗人夏尔·皮埃尔·波德莱尔出生1952年4月9日:中国现代文学家、诗人、考古学家郭沫若,接受斯大林和平奖金1961年4月9日:在北京举行的第二十六届世界乒乓球锦标赛中,我国运动员第一次夺得了男子团体冠军1984年4月9日:日本建成世界第一座“无人工厂”1993年4月9日...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1848年12月19日:英国著名女作家、勃朗特三姐妹之一的艾米莉·勃朗特出生,一生中唯一一部小说是《呼啸山庄》。 1898年12月19日:中国现代作家、文学史家郑振铎出生。 1984年12月1...
Today In History for Monday, February 10, 2025.Welcome to On this day in history .. 0060 - St Paul thought to have been shipwrecked at Malta 1098 - Crusaders defeat Prince Redwan of Aleppo at Antioch 1535 - 12 nude anabaptists run through Amsterdam streets 1549 - TomÇ de Sousa...
Stepfamilies in 1984 and today-A scholarly perspective. In Irene Levin & Marvin B. Sussman (Eds.) Stepfamilies: History, research, and policy (pp. 19-40). New York: The Haworth Press, Inc.Ihinger-Tallman, M., & Pasley, K. (1997). Stepfamilies in 1984 and today: A scholarly ...
In 1973, the United States launched "Skylab I," its first manned space station.In 1981, a Vatican spokesman reported that Pope John Paul was strong enough to recite prayers and impart blessings to his doctors and nurses. The pontiff had been shot the previous day.In 1984, Jeanne Sauve was...
Ihinger-Tallman, M., & Pasley, K. (1997). Stepfamilies in 1984 and today--a scholarly perspective. In I. Levin & M. Sussman (Eds.), Stepfamilies: History, research, and policy (pp. 19-40). New York: Haworth.Ihinger-Tallman, M., & Pasley, K. (1997). Stepfamilies in 1984 ...
Today in Madonna History: May 26, 1984 May 26, 2024Bysonicboy19in1984,MayTags:Borderline,Helmut Werb1 Comment On May 26 1984, this classic Madonna photo by Helmut Werb was featured in No 1 UK magazine, along with the lyrics to Borderline. ...
Today in Madonna History: February 16, 1984February 16, 2024 By Jay in 1984, February Tags: Jellybean Benitez, Nile Rodgers, On the Cover of a Magazine, Smash Hits, Trevor Horn 1 Comment On February 16 1984, Madonna appeared on the cover of Smash Hits magazine. The article indicates ...
Today in history: On July 28, 1945, A U.S. Army B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of New York’s Empire State Building, the world’s tallest structure at the time, killing 14 people.
In 1968, the United States exploded beneath the Nevada desert a 1.3 megaton nuclear device called “Boxcar.” In 1977, the legendary nightclub Studio 54 had its opening night in New York. In 1984, bandleader Count Basie, 79, died in Hollywood, Florida. In 1994, voting began in South Afri...