In 1996, representatives from China, Russia, India and Iran decided in Moscow to set up the Asian Thermonuclear Research Foundation, elevating scientific research cooperation to aspan-new height.1996年,中、俄、印、伊四国代表在莫斯科决定成立亚洲热核研究基金会,科研合作走上新高度。In 2008, we comme...
Today in history(历史上的今天)Whathappenedinhistoryoftoday?OnApril17th1997,Chinesewomen'svolleyballcoachLangpinghasbeennamedofthebestcoachoftheyearfor1996OnApril17th1998,GradecertificatewasappearedinWulinforthefirsttime. OnApril17th2003,Jordantookpartinhislastgameinhiscareer OnApril17th2008,...
April 2, 1996 – Maxwell’s releases his debut album,Maxwell’sUrban Hang Suite Arguably the most celebrated new Soul Music artist to emerge in the mid-90s,Maxwellarose as a curious combination of romanticism and sexuality, of spirituality and sensuality, much like Marvin Gaye a generation earlie...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1678年12月13日:清世宗雍正帝,爱新觉罗·胤禛出生。 1937年12月13日:南京大屠杀开始。 1996年12月13日:我国现代话剧史上成就最高的剧作家曹禺逝世,代表作《雷雨》《日出》《...
Today in History - May 19--Today in History for May 19:On this date:In 804, the English medieval scholar Alcuin of York died. As an educator, he made beauty, goodness and truth the hallmarks of Charlemagne's Frankish empire. His great hunger for learning revived the Augustinian tradition ...
🌅 #Today in History# 1958.11.27 日本著名音乐人——小室哲哉(小室 哲哉, 1958.11.27 - )出生 小室哲哉是日本的音乐制作人、作词家、作曲家、键盘手,以及流行乐团globe的创立人,有在日本当教授教音乐。他将...
July 9, 1996 - Prince performs on the Plaza With the word “Slave” emblazoned on his cheek in protest of his binding record contract, Prince joined Katie Couric, Bryant Gumbel and Al Roker on the Plaza to perform just two songs, both off his new album “Chaos and Disorder.” Sitting ...
Today in Madonna History: May 31, 1986 May 31, 2024ByJayin1986,MayTags:Live To Tell,Patrick Leonard,True Blue (Album)1 Comment On May 31 1986, Madonna’sLive To Tellhit #1 for 3 weeks on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary singles chart in the USA. ...
Today in history: On July 28, 1945, A U.S. Army B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of New York’s Empire State Building, the world’s tallest structure at the time, killing 14 people.
Its animated feature film adaptation “Beavis and Butt-Head Do America” was released in 1996 and grossed $63.1 million at the box office…”The George Wendt Show“, the sitcom based on the public radio show “Car Talk” and a star vehicle for the former “Cheers” actor, debuted on CBS...