#惊人惊事# 「 Today in history 」📖 1911年7月1日:波兰化学家C.丰克发现维生素并命名 1921年7月1日:中国共产党成立纪念日 1967年7月1日:《布鲁塞尔条约》正式生效 1979年7月1日:中国有机化学家黄鸣龙逝世 ...
On this day, 13 March 1979, the Grenada Revolution began. Today in History This Day in History: Fédon’s Rebellion began 3 March 1795 3 March 2024 Fédon’s Rebellion, quite violently, brought about ‘an end of French power and influence in Grenada’ Today in History This Day in Hi...
Today in History 1989 Akihito is sworn in as Emperor of JapanHis accession to the throne followed the death of his father, Emperor Hirohito, on the same day.1979 The Khmer Rouge government of Cambodia is overthrown Vietnamese forces captured the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh that day.1927...
米克·舒马赫(Mick Schumacher)出生于1999年3月22日,德国赛车手。他于2008年开始卡丁车职业生涯,到2015年进入德国ADAC Formula 4。是迈克尔·舒马赫(Michael Schumacher)的儿子。 生日:1999年3月22日 职业生涯第一场比赛:2008年 PS:米克·舒马赫于2016年12月24日证实,他将在2017年参加欧洲三级方程式锦标赛。 #F1车...
🌅 #Today in History#1974.04.25康乃馨革命康乃馨革命(Revolução dos Cravos),又称四二五革命,指葡萄牙首都里斯本于1974年4月25日发生的一次政变。第二次世界大战后,殖民帝国英国及法国等纷纷自愿或被迫放弃其殖民地;葡萄牙的萨拉查反共法西斯军政权却拒绝放弃其殖民地,因此它仍然维持着相对庞大的殖民帝国。葡萄...
Today in History - July 22--Today in History for July 22:On this date:In 1582, England's first newspaper, the "English Mercurii," began publication.In 1620, a small congregation of English Separatists, led by John Robinson, began their emigration to the New World. Today, this historic ...
三岛由纪夫 1974年 联合国第三任秘书长吴丹去世 吴丹 1975年 苏里南共和国宣告独立 苏里南共和国 1979年 中国渤海2号沉船事故造成72人遇难 渤海2号 1986年 伊朗门事件爆发 伊朗门事件 2020年 阿根廷足球明星迭戈马拉多纳去世,他被认为是有史以来最伟大的足球运动员之一。 迭戈马拉多纳本文...
TROOPER’s Thick As Thieves - June 19th, 1978 Featured the massive Canadian hit, "Raise A Little Hell". Happy 44th BLUE ÖYSTER CULT's Mirrors - June 19th, 1979 Happy 34th KREATOR's Extreme Aggression - June 19th, 1989 Big moment for metal as these German thrash legends as...
1979 Hungary’s ruling Communist Party elects 57-year-old Prime Minister Karoly Grosz to succeed Janos Kadar as general secretary. 1985 A car bomb explodes in a Beirut suburb, killing 60 people and wounding 190 others. 1989 India successfully test-fires its first medium-range surf...
Chevrolet Corvette history: 1979 - At the Bob McDorman Chevrolet dealership outside Columbus, Ohio, the McDorman's Concours VI show is held, over two days. Over 20,000 attend. The Corvette Corral is filled with 500 Corvettes. 1985 - At the Mosport Park raceway in Bowmanville, Ontario, ...