【Today In History】朱德委员长逝世 在40年前的今天,1976年7月6日 (农历六月初十),朱德委员长逝世。 元帅朱德 朱德夫人康克清(前排右2)等家属在朱德遗体告别仪式上。 1976年7月6日,无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、中国共产党和中华人民共和国的主要领导人之...
1259 – Kings Louis IX of France and Henry III of England agree to the Treaty of Paris, in which Henry renounces his claims to French-controlled territory on continental Europe (including Normandy) in exchange for Louis withdrawing his support for English rebels. 1619 – Thirty-eight colonists...
🌅 #Today in History#1977.08.29毛主席纪念堂建成毛主席纪念堂的原址为中华门,于1958年后被拆除。1976年11月24日,毛主席纪念堂奠基。1977年9月9日举行落成典礼并对外开放。1976年9月9日,毛泽东逝世。1976年9月14日,国家计委组织全国八省市十多家单位的设计人员集中到前门饭店,开始毛主席纪念堂的选址及方案...
He was born on January 28, 1976 in Clarksdale, MS. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday Xxxtentacion By Mac Dee . Jan 23, 2025 4.021 Views Happy Birthday to Xxxtentacion, who would have turned 27 today. He was born on January 23, 1998 in Plantation, FL. R.I.P. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday ...
Today in History This Day in History: 25 December 25 December 2024 On this day, 25 December, Grenadians, along with many people throughout the world, celebrate in festivities of Christmas Today in History This Day in History: 7 December 7 December 2024 On 7 December 1976, Grenada wi...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1037年1月8日:唐宋八大家之一,北宋著名文学家、书画家苏轼苏东坡出生。 1642年1月8日:“现代物理学之父” “观测天文学之父”伽利略逝世,他研究了速度和速度、重力和自由落体、相...
Today in history: AugustHome » History » Today in history: August Share What happened on this day in August? 1st Riot Act established 1714 Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen 1774 Niki Lauda crash 1976 2nd First skating rink opened in the UK 1875 Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany...
1976- 1st female cadets accepted to West Point Military Academy 1976- Islander Glenn Resch's 10th shut-out opponent-Blues 4-0 1977- Hanafi Moslems invade 3 buildings in Wash DC, siege ended Mar 11th 1977- Adm Stansfield Turner, USN (Ret), becomes 12th director of CIA replacing acting dir...
1976 - Birth of Kim Zmeskal in Houston, Texas; US gymnast (Olympics-1992). 1983 - Birth of Sreesanth; Indian cricket player. Deaths of sports figures on February 6 1964 - W L Cornford, England cricket wicket-keeper (4 Tests versus New Zealand 1930), dies. ...
1976, Neil Young and Crazy Horse performed at the Music Hall, Boston. 1976, Tangerine Dream played at Palais du Sport Paris, Paris. 1977, Rush appeared at the Stanley Theater, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1978, Hawkwind performed at Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, England. ...