🌅 #Today in History# 1918.04.14 著名红学家——周汝昌(1918.04.14 - 2012.05.31)出生 1918年4月14日,周汝昌生于天津城外25公里的咸水沽镇。 其祖父是天津八大家东门外天成号韩家账房先生,后自立门户,故家...
1918- Ukrainian mobs massacre Jews of Seredino Buda 1918- Wageningen Agricultural College Neth opens 1922- Eugene O'Neill's "Hairy Ape," premieres in NYC 1922- KJR-AM in Seattle Washington begins radio transmissions 1923- Amsterdam taxi strike ended ...
1918. "The majority of South Africans, black and white, recognise that apartheid has no future."Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheidactivist1who became South Africa's first black President is born. Mandela guided his country to multi-racial democrac...
» Today in WW2 History6 Mar 1886 Japan Saburo Kurusu was born in Yokohama, Japan. [Saburo Kurusu | Yokohama, Kanagawa | CPC]6 Mar 1913 Aleksandr Pokryshkin was born. [Aleksandr Pokryshkin | CPC]6 Mar 1918 British Admiral Kemp, with the full approval of the Murmansk Soviet (...
🌅 #Today in History#1914.12.24圣诞节休战第一次世界大战是指从1914年7月28日到1918年11月11日,自欧洲开始波及到全世界许多大国的世界大战;整体大战以三国协约为中心,一同对抗同盟国而陆陆续续发生大小战事。1914年8月3日,德国占领了卢森堡后同日英国因为德国发动施里芬计划入侵绕道比利时打法国而对其宣战,要求...
Ted Williams born 1918 Abram Wilson born 1973 31st Sinatra recorded All or Nothing at All 1939 Lady Anne Savile died 1927 Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues...
1918 Frank Morrison Spillane [Mickey Spillane], crime writer (Kiss Me, Deadly, The Erection Set). 1916 Mexican bandit Pancho Villa leads 1,500 horsemen on a raid of Columbus, N.M. killing 17 U.S. soldiers and citizens. 1915 The Germans take Grodno on the Eastern Front. 1911 The...
The founding member of the Group of Seven died in 1932.In 1876, a British polar expedition turned back on Ellesmere Island, about 650 kilometres short of the North Pole, but the farthest northern point reached to that time.In 1918, American Julius Rosenberg was born. In 1953, he and his...
1982年,中国网球手,法网及澳网女单冠军李娜出生。1841年,清朝抗英名将关天培战死于虎门。1918年,香港跑马地马场大火。1914年,直隶提督赵秉钧被袁世凯毒死。1905年,东北抗日联军领导人、民族英雄杨靖宇出生。1936年,日本二二六兵变。 < 【历史上的2月26日】1871年,普法战争以法国失败告终。1876年,日本胁迫朝鲜缔结《...
It will be the last free election in Germany until after World War II. Newly inaugurated President Franklin D. Roosevelt halts the trading of gold and declares a bank holiday. 1928 Hitler‘s National Socialists win the majority vote in Bavaria. 1918 The Soviets move the capital of Russia...