🌅 #Today in History# 1912.10.09 第一次巴尔干战争爆发 巴尔干半岛民族繁多,自从在1389年的科索沃战役中击败巴尔干联军,以武力占领整个巴尔干半岛后,南斯拉夫民族便长期受奥斯曼帝国统治。18世纪开始,奥斯...
#惊人惊事#——today in history784年8月23日:著名书法家、“颜体”创造者、楷书四大家之一的颜真卿于安史之乱中遇害。1305年8月23日:苏格兰独立战争领袖之一,电影《勇敢的心》主角原型威廉·华莱士逝世。“Freedom!”1913年8月23日:丹麦著名的“小美人鱼”铜像建成。1946年8月23日:当代著名学者、作家余秋雨出生...
1913 - Edward Sheldons "Romance," premieres in NYC 1916 - Conscription begins in Britain 1917 - Johanna Westerdijk installed as Neth 1st female professor 1920 - Baseball outlaws all pitches involving tampering with ball 1923 - Ink paste manufactured for 1st time by Standard Ink Company ...
The Year 1913 in History and Today An Introduction to the Main Themedoi:10.1515/iasl-2013-0005Huebinger, GangolfINTERNATIONALES ARCHIV FUR SOZIALGESCHICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN LITERATUR
he went to England tostudy, and in 1880 he returned to China to specialize in literary activities.He was secretary of the Sanskrit Society from 1884 to 1911 and founded theInternational University in the 1920s. In 1913, he became the first Asian towin the Nobel Prize in Literature with Gita...
In 1913, Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson, during a meeting of President Woodrow Wilson’s Cabinet, proposed gradually segregating whites and Blacks who worked for the Railway Mail Service, a policy that went into effect and spread to other agencies. ...
3 Feb 1913 Heinrich Hoffmann's wife Therese gave birth to their daughter Henriette.ww2dbase[Heinrich Hoffmann|CPC] 3 Feb 1917 The United States broke off Diplomatic Relations with Germany.ww2dbase[AC] United Kingdom The first prototype Medium Mark A Whippet tank was completed in Britain.ww2dbase...
In 1913, Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old worker at a Georgia pencil factory, was strangled; Leo Frank, the factory superintendent, was convicted of her murder and sentenced to death. (Frank’s death sentence was commuted, but he was lynched by an anti-Semitic mob in 1915.) In 1933, Nazi...
1913, the Bavarian constitution was changed to allow the Prince Regent to become King if the incapacitation of a king had lasted for ten years and there was no reasonable expectation that the incapacitated king would ever reign. On November 5, 1913, King Otto was deposed by Prince Regent Lu...
An American astronomer who is best known for discovering Pluto and later classified it as a Dwarf planet in 1930. Byron NelsonProfessional Golfer, American(1912) An American professional golfer who won the first two US master titles. Rosa ParksActivist, American(1913) ...