# TODAY IN HISTORY# 1909年11月2日,无锡最早的日报——《锡金日报》创办。它也是无锡最早参加全国新闻职业团体活动的报纸。《锡金日报》由同盟会会员秦毓鎏、孙保圻等人集资创办,四开八版,1-4版为头等、二等、...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1402年7月17日:明朝永乐大帝朱棣在发动靖难之役推翻建文帝后登基即位。 1790年7月17日:经济学鼻祖亚当·斯密逝世。 1831年7月17日:清朝咸丰帝爱新觉罗·奕詝出生。 1909年7月17...
And 1909. Benny Goodman, the Jazz clarinetist and bandleader known as “the king of swing” is born in Chicago. 1909年5月30日,班尼·古德曼在芝加哥出生,他是著名的美国单簧管演奏家、爵士乐音乐家,享有“摇摆乐之王”的美誉。 Today in history. May 30th. Ross Simpson. The Associated Press....
Today In History for Monday, February 10, 2025.Welcome to On this day in history .. 0060 - St Paul thought to have been shipwrecked at Malta 1098 - Crusaders defeat Prince Redwan of Aleppo at Antioch 1535 - 12 nude anabaptists run through Amsterdam streets 1549 - TomÇ de Sousa...
Today in Masonic History Archie Bleyer is born in 1909. Archie Bleyer was an American musician and band leader. Bleyer was born in New York City, New York on June 12th, 1909. His father was a well known trumpet player of the time. His father even played at the Metropolitan Opera. Bl...
Today in History features related to Thomas Jefferson and his presidency include Jefferson’sbirthday, theLouisiana Purchase, and the former president’s offer to sell hislibraryto Congress. Learn how Jefferson’s personal vision shaped the Library of Congress inJefferson’s Legacy: A Brief History ...
Canada was left out of the talks and ended up with no seaports in northern B.C. or the Yukon. As a result, Ottawa decided it must handle its own foreign relations and created the External Affairs Department (now Foreign Affairs) in 1909.In 1911, an 18-minute fire in New York's ...
First race at Indianapolis 1909 Ginger Baker born 1939 Charles Hires born 1851 John Wesley Hardin died 1895 Coco Chanel born 1883 Gustav Guillebotte born 1848 20th James Rollins born 1961 21st Lady Mary Montague Wortley died 1762 Frank Stranahan born 1864 Mike Candys born 1981 Princess Margaret bo...
Today in Music History - May 9--Today in Music History for May 9:In 1909, fiddler Don Messer, Canada's foremost exponent of old-time music, was born in Tweedside, N.B. "Don Messer and His Islanders" were a fixture on Canadian radio and television for more than 30 years. He died ...