He died at age 88 in 1564.In 1617, Louis Hebert signed an agreement that enabled him to become the first known European farmer in New France.In 1749, the British government outlined a plan to settle Nova Scotia.In 1784, the settlement of York was officially incorporated as the City of ...
is not new. Several religions are built around it. Thinking of God in these terms is not heresy but is advanced theology. The old-time God—the big bearded man sitting on a throne in the sky—is dead.” - John Keel
English chemist who developed the Glover Tower in 1859 to reclaim useful chemicals during the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the most important industrial chemical. The previous Lead-Chamber Method (1749) used sulphur dioxide, a nitrate, air and water, but lost the nitrate in the form of nitric...
Alexander, Mark M., American publisher and editor: "Chief among the spoils of victory is the privilege of writing the history." Patriot Post, February 17, 2006. Allen, Joseph (1749-1827), American politician, nephew of US President Samuel Adams: "The burning of an author's books, imprison...
Starting at$2499$1749with promo(Save30%) Shop Bundles Buy now, pay later with KlarnaMattresses starting at $58/mo, adjustable beds at $47/mo. Learn More Shop Mattress Sales by Size 3874 Twin 3880 Twin XL 54 75 Full 60 80 Queen
1976;94:1747-1749. Stenson S, Newman R, Fedukowicz H. Laboratory studies in acute conjunctivitis. Arch Ophthalmol. 1982;100:1275-1277. Sambursky R, Trattler W, Tauber S, et al. Sensitivity and specificity of the AdenoPlus test for diagnosing adenoviral conjunctivitis. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;...
You will note two very conspicuous clusters of stars in this area, and so did Le Gentil in 1749. Binoculars will reveal the pair in the same field, as will telescopes using lowest power. The dimmest of these is the M38, and will appear vaguely cruciform in shape. At roughly 4200 light...
The number of servants per 100 households in England was 61 in 1650-1749; in 1750-1821, it was just 51; it had fallen to 33 in rural and 14 in urban areas by 1851; by 1947, the number was down to 2. And now a pair of poor, immigrant women -- one from Latin America, the ...
The Edinburgh Town Guard is the only police force in the U.K. 1749 London's Bow Street Runners The start of London's Bow Street Runners, who became the foundation for all modern forces. 1829 The Metropolitan Police Act 1829 Robert Peel, the Home Secretary, passes the Metropolitan Police Ac...
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) Often hailed as the "Father of Immunology," Edward Jenner's pioneering work in developing the smallpox vaccine laid the foundation for modern immunology. His innovative approach in using cowpox material to create immunity to smallpox was a monumental step in disease prev...