#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1543年1月31日:日本战国三杰之一的德川家康出生,他统一日本,建立江户时代,开创幕府。 1797年1月31日:奥地利著名音乐家舒伯特出生,代表作《摇篮曲》。 1943年1月31日:第二...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1524年5月24日:明代最优秀的政治家、内阁首辅张居正出生。 1543年5月24日:日心说提出者哥白尼逝世。 1819年5月24日:英国女王维多利亚诞生。她在位时帮助英国进入“日不落帝国”...
历史上的今天 7 月 8 日(Today in history, July 8th) Today in history, July 8th July 8th is the 189th day of the Gregorian calendar (leap year 190th days), ending 176 days from the end of the year. In June 28, 2005, WAO, together with the national allergy agency, launched a ...
Salt from sea water In 1683, a patent was awarded in England on this day for the extraction of salt from sea water. Copernicus publishes In 1543,Nicolaus Copernicuscirculated “The Little Commentary,” showing the heliocentricity of the Solar System....
37. William Byrd (1543-1623) Tudor England’s choral great William Byrd also composed dozens of refined keyboard works Bob Chilcott: It took me a while to realise what a wonderful composer Byrd is. As a young chorister the thought of singing his ‘Great’ Service filled me with horror. Ye...
Mary was a highly principled woman. She was not usually cruel or vindictive. She was a devout Catholic whose deepest wish was that England should return to the Faith. She welcomed back into her administration men who had co-operated with Henry VIII up until 1543 but expressed regret for what...
4D lottery, short for "4-Digits," is a popular lottery game in SG and Malaysia. Players choose a four-digit number between 0000 and 9999. If their number matches any of the winning numbers drawn, they become a winner. The game draws take place on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.Where...
example of the resistance to diversity of thought in science is the one associated with Nicolaus Copernicus. When Copernicus suggested that the Earth revolves around the Sun, he faced fierce opposition from the authorities. Copernicus waited until 1543, shortly before his death to publish his ...
Extremely hazardous is the desire to explain everything, and to supply whatever appears a gap in history—for in this propensity lies the first cause and germ of all those violent and arbitrary hypotheses which perplex and pervert the science of history far more than the open avowal of our ...
Tallis joined the Chapel Royal in 1543-44 and remained there until his death on 23 November 1585, composing music for all four subsequent Tudor monarchs. But was he at peace with the new religious settlement? His best known work, the 40-voice motetSpem in alium, uses the Catholic liturgy....