🌅 #Today in History# 1521.12.01 日本战国时期大名——武田信玄(1521.12.01 - 1573.05.13)出生 武田信玄于1521年12月1日出生于踯躅崎馆,幼名胜千代,乃是甲斐国大名武田信虎的长男。1533年,信虎替其迎娶了上...
#惊人惊事# 「 Today in history 」📖 1521年4月27日:葡萄牙探险家麦哲伦死于菲律宾部落冲突中 1791年4月27日:美国发明家塞缪尔·莫尔斯出生,1844年莫尔斯从华盛顿到巴尔的摩拍发人类历史上的第一份电报 1927...
1.In 1521, Roman Catholic Jesuit priest St. Peter Canisius, known as the "Hammer of Protestantism," was born in Nijmegen, Holland. He led the Counter-Reformation in German lands.In 1541, Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto reached the Mississippi River.In 1620, Samuel de Champlain sailed for ...
Today - Jan 3 那个种苹果树的人 Jan 3, 1521 Martin Luther, German priest and Catholicism critic was excommunicated by Pope Leo X and condemned as an outlaw by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, for not having the same beliefs as them and writin...
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. I think this life is special. Live and savor every moment. Thank you. ---《A story of the angels》Jef Franssen 事情并不总是如表面看上去那样 昨天已成历史 明天是一个迷 今天是一份礼物...
Philippine History - Short Glimpse of Philippines People Culture and Influence Portuguese Conquest by Ferdinand Magellan Even long before Portuguese, Ferdinand Magellan said to have discovered the Philippines in March 16, 1521 when he set foot in Homonhon Island, Samar, we already have our oldest an...
Apr 27, 1521 Ferdinand Magellan, the Portuguese explorer, died at 41 (killed by natives in the Philippines). Quote for Today “The church says the earth is flat, but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow tha...
What is the largest ethnic group in the Philippines? The Tagalogs are the largest ethnic group in the Philippines. Who controlled the Philippines from 1521 to 1821? The Philippines was discovered in 1521 by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and colonized by Spain from 1565 to 1898. Following...
It would be wrong to give the slightest suggestion that Henry was at the start of his reign anything other them a devoted son of the Roman Church. In 1521 he made some rather fulsome claims for papal power. in the tract against Martin Luther which earned him the title of Defender of the...
80% –the percentage of people in the Philippines who are Roman Catholic. 1521 –the year when Ferdinand Magellan claimed the Philippine islands for Spain. National Heroes' Day FAQs How many islands make up the Philippine archipelago? The Philippines is made up of over 7,500 islands, 5,00...