#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1399年8月6日:明朝燕王朱棣以“清君侧”之名发动“靖难之役”,最终登基为永乐大帝,建文帝朱允炆下落不明。 1864年8月6日:太平天国著名将领石达开遇害,石达开外号“石敢当”,被认...
Today in History and Birthdays. Find out what happened and who was born on this day in history. Events and birthdays for each day of the year.
I’m writing to you asking that you please consider sending a brief letter to Senator Mike McGuire at senator.mcguire@senate.ca.gov, calling him @ 916-651-4002, or faxing him, Fax: 916-651-4902 asking him to support Assembly Bill 1399. This bill would allow licensed veterinarians in the...
1399 TILs and counting...CategoriesAck Amplify Ansible Brew Chrome Clojure CSS Deno Devops Docker Elixir Gatsby Git GitHub Actions Go GROQ Heroku HTML HTTP Inngest Internet JavaScript jq Kitty Linux Mac MongoDB MySQL Neovim Netlify NextAuth.js Next.js Phoenix Planetscale pnpm PostgreSQL Prisma ...
The contracts for making the tomb and effigies, in accordance with sealed plans, were let in 1395; and the work was to be completed in two years. In his last will, dated April 1399, the King enjoined that he should be buried with Anne in this tomb, then evidently already complete. Th...
in Yosemite Valley or the oxbow lakes along a meandering river without envisioning a history. Likewise, among galaxies, there are clear relationships between disparate properties, which must result either from the way that they formed, or from their subsequent evolution. In our quest for the ...
The fall, however, had started much earlier, indicating that the decline is due to changing natural history. In contrast, complication rates remain unaltered. An increasing proportion of newly diagnosed duodenal ulcer patients are elderly, and more of them now present for the first time with ...
A 60-year-old man with a medical history of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and neovascular glaucoma in the left eye presented for a second opinion. He had developed an FTMH in his only seeing eye—the right eye—3 months prior and had undergone three unsuccessful PPV procedures wi...
Mindfulness is the art of being in the “now”—living fully in the present. Mindfulness requires transformation to a new future, not merely change from an incomplete past. Mindfulness as a lifestyle promotes a mindset galvanized by meaning. Learning to live with complexity as the fabric of ...
In its eleventh successful year of operations, Instaforex continues to push the boundaries of success and confirm its number one positioning. The broker's history of profile sponsorships in sport around the world have in...