#惊人惊事# ——today in history 960年2月4日:宋朝开国皇帝赵匡胤在陈桥兵变后登基,宋朝建立。 1276年2月4日:南宋首都临安被元军攻破。 1895年2月4日:中国近代民族音乐一代宗师、二胡鼻祖刘天华出生。 1904年...
Feb 4, 1276 The (South) Song Dynasty's capital (Lin'an 临安) was occupied by Kubilai Khan's armies. The Song dynasties demised. 🎓去年写过:Today - Feb 4 北宋兴,南宋亡。 Feb 4, 2013 Karen Anne Carpenter, the younger sister of the American ...
In this great celestial creation, the catastrophy of a world, such as ours, or even the total dissolution of a system of worlds, may possibly be no more to the great Author of Nature, than the most common accident in life with us, and in all probability such final and general Doomsday...
Honestly, by betting on your own, the chances of striking a direct / system number are very low. I know that because I been down the road. I ever bought 100 ibet number in a single draw and not even a single strike! When was the last time you strike a system / direct number? Not...
In Letter (4 Mar 1950), replying to a grieving father over the loss of a young son. In Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein’s Letters to and from Children (2002), 184. Science quotes on: | Achieve (75) | Achievement (187) | Affection (44) | Beauty (313) | Being (1276) |...
1. Little MW, Harrison R, MacGill S, et al. Genicular artery embolisation in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee (GENESIS 2): protocol for a double-blind randomised sham-controlled trial. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2023;46:1276-1282. doi: 10.1007/s00270-023-03477-z ...
involving a survey questionnaire that consisted of 237 questions, and was sent by mail to registered dog owners in Vienna, Austria. The final analysis was based on 1276 completed surveys. Given the mass of data and the complexity of the results I will only be able to touch upon so...
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