前往设备管理器检查Tobii Hello Sensor驱动是否可用 如果没有找到Tobii Hello Sensor,请前往此路径C:\Program Files\Tobii\Tobii.EyeTracker5.Offline.Installer_4.124.0.15937\Hello并右键安装tobiihello4_0x313.inf 请注意:路径名称可能会随着驱动版本的更新而改变。如果找不到此路径,请重新安装驱动。 打开设置——应...
tobii eye tracker眼动仪智能控制电脑,渐冻人使用操作淘宝,看视频,打游戏等,方便又实用 2.4万 -- 5:49 App 如何使用 Tobii Experience 37.1万 53 0:50 App 有了眼动仪,不用每天猜渐冻人妻子的意思了,她能表达,我能理解,生活都变得顺利很多 7040 -- 0:30 App 眼神追踪功能演示 1763 -- 1:21 App ...
Like previous Eye Tracker models, the 5 supports Windows Hello. If you are unfamiliar, Windows Hello lets you sign into your machine using facial recognition. The previous models would use infrared to scan your face, measuring things like the distance between your eyes, your jawline, and othe...
Windows Snap Assist:选择要分屏的窗口,按“Win + Left/Right Arrow”将其分屏到一边。其他窗口将占据屏幕的另一半。查看要打开的窗口以突出显示它,然后按enter键打开。 Application Switcher:使用“Alt+Tab”或“Win+Tab”键查看打开的窗口。查看所需窗口,将其置于屏幕前。
Tobii Eye Tracker 5 Simulation Creators Games Products DownloadsEye Tracking Software Select the hardware below that you want to enable with eye tracking.1. Select the hardwareSoftware Downloads Tobii Ghost v1.14.1 Tobii Ghost is an add-on to our Tobii Eye Tracking software that enables ...
*TheAlienware 17 R4can be configured with an IR presence camera also known as Tobii Aware, but it can also be upgraded to be configured with an integrated Tobii Eye Tracker. *TheAlienware 17 R5laptop can be upgraded and configured with an integrated Tobii Eye Tracker....
In this Agreement, the term “Tobii Technologies” means Tobii hardware components including but not limited to Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, Tobii Eye Tracker 5, Tobii software including but not limited to Tobii Experience, Tobii Core, Tobii Interaction & Configuration, Tobii Aware, Tobii Horizon, Tobii...
2016 年 11 月 9 日,全球眼动追踪技术领导厂商 Tobii 业务副总裁 Peter Tiberg 於媒体记者会正式发表眼动追塾 置二代机-「Tobii Eye Tracker 4C」,玩家只需要透过一个 USB 连接线,即能享有更具沉浸感且自然的遊戏体验 。 「Tobii Eye Tracker 4C」将取代现有的 Tobii EyeX,10月25日於 TobiiGaming 接受预...
一如Tobii EyeX,Tobii Eye Tracker 4C也支援Windows Hello(不需密码即可登入)生物辨识功能,让玩家只消看一眼就可以解锁装置。 欢迎至tobiigaming。com,可供查询完整的眼动追踪相容游戏名单、了解眼动追踪技术的游戏效益,以及预购Tobii Eye Tracker 4C。如欲掌握眼动追踪游戏最新动态,请订阅Tobii的电子...
Tobii眼动仪5采用轻质材料,在设计上考虑了便携性,在安装好支架后,可以很容易地安装和重新安装 5.安全性及隐私保护 Tobii眼动仪5通过Windows Hello认证,使用生物面部识别扫描仪进行企业级密码替换,这样你就可以确保除了你自己没有人能访问你的电脑。 6.全新Windows的使用方式 ...