7,193Downloads 135Likes 4.83 / 5 stars (24 votes) Description Comments (165) This mod allows you to control the camera and aim in GTA V with your eyes! You need to have one of these eye trackers to use it: -Tobii Eye Tracker 5 ...
Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is the next generation of head and eye tracking. The only device capable of tracking both head and eye movements.
Using a Tobii Eye Tracker 5, you can fly through the ‘verse with even greater immersion thanks to Extended View functionality. This grants you a larger field of view, increasing your overall awareness while exploring the universe and improving how you navigate. ...
Tobii Eye Tracker 5 supports over 170+ game titles ranging from Star Citizen, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator 2, F1Ⓡ22 to Far CryⓇ6, and Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. A unique eye and head tracking combo Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is the only device that cantrack both your...
-#Tobii# 用 #Tobii Eye Tracker 5#眼动仪,用眼睛快速瞄准,指哪打哪!一周一更新tobii眼动仪试玩有兴趣的同学可以去他们官网了解一下 Tobii英文官网:https://tobiigaming.com/(里面介绍了137款支持的游戏)Tobii中文官网:http://svsl.co/asia?share_code=qqE0有什么问
robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/17908-Tobii-Eye-Tracker-5Tobii眼动仪现在支持星际公民CIG很荣幸地宣布,我们与眼球追踪技术的全球领导者Tobii合作,为《星际公民》带来下一代的头部追踪支持。随着Alpha 3.12版本的发布,我们将引入对Tobii眼动仪5的官方支持,提供更加身临其境的探索和体验世界的方式。
Tobii Eye Tracker 5L is a high-end 120Hz eye tracker peripheral for effortless commercial integration.
[8K]用眼动仪和头瞄玩武装突袭3 Tobii Eye Tracker 5 试用 金家寨/61方面军 联机游戏社区 2022-04-04程序员老金 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多784 2 1:03:42 App [4K]“临时任务”前半部分 越战DLC(S.O.G. Prairie Fire) 武装突袭3 单人任务试玩 GoldJohnKing 2021-05-07 129 ...
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