▲ 头马国际核心价值观/Toastmasters International Core Values Integrity 正直 Respect 尊重 Service 服务 Excellence 卓越 Toastmasters in China 国际演讲会在中国 In 1999, the first Toastmasters Club in China was established. In 2007, District 85 was set up officially. In 2012, District 85 was divided i...
Toastmasters International (TI) is a world leader in communication and leadership development, alsoa non-profit educational organization. The world needs leaders.By regularly giving speeches, gaining feedback, leading teams and guiding others to achieve their goals in a supportive atmosphere, leaders em...
30th July do come to have fun with Toastmasters of the Evening Henry Fu (our immediate past president) at KDU PJ room 1.05 at 7.15 pm. We are going to evidence the speech by Johan Ooi who was District 51 Champion in International Speech Contest. See you there. View my complete profile....
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Our organization has more than 352,000 memberships. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 16,400 clubs in 141 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations....
Toastmasters International District 109, Division H2, Bosphorus Toastmasters is a non-profit educational organization based in Turkey, Istanbul that helps and supports public speaking, communication, and leadership skills through a worldwide network. Since July 2015, Bosphorus Toastmasters has suppo...
国际演讲会中国区(Toastmasters International District 85)历史及现状 District 85 国际演讲会中国区(Toastmasters International District 85)历史及现状国际演讲会的会员需要年满18周岁,中国区的会员以中青年为主。90%以上的会员都是在职人士,10%左右为在校大学生。85%左右为中国国籍(包括港澳),15%左右为在华外籍人士...
In a heartwarming celebration on the evening of May 30, 2024, the Elite Toastmasters Club Kuala Lumpur gathered to honour one of their own, Suwan Bonma, who recently achieved an impressive third-place victory in the District 51 evaluation contest. The event was a testament to the club’s ...
文章 31/12/2015 It's the last day of 2015 and I've got 10 OneDrive templates to share with the International Toastmasters community. If you are involved with Toastmasters, you probably find the speech program somewhat antiquated from a mobile/modern collaboration perspective. The 10 speeches ...
2014年 89 District Governor 2014- 2015 - Sarah He 2015年 3月 29日SHIP's 390th Meeting Notes 2016年 5月 11日SHIP不是土豪 2018年 9月 17日第 563次会议 2019年 5月 30日第 597次会议, 官员选举,华为任总赠书给船员 2019-118大区 S中区 COT培训 ...
Venue: 民有區民活動中心(北市民權東路三段140巷15號民有市場4樓)捷運: 木柵線中山國中站 (出站後步行約5分鐘) Registration: John Lin 林明翰 john.lin@morris.com.twYi-Hsin Tsai 蔡逸馨 hsin_t@hotmail.com orFun Moment - Sammy Su, CTMChampion of District 67 Humorous Speech Contest 200...