Toastmasters International PO B●●●9052 Miss●●●iejo, CA, 92688 US 1.94●●●8825 1.94●●●8120 tm●●●@TOASTMASTERS.ORG Toastmasters International Mark Santos PO B●●●9052 MISS●●●IEJO, CA, 92690-9052 US 1.94●●●8255
Division E Director, District 60(在职员工)-Durham Region, ON-2019年12月4日 Toastmasters offers so much for so many. I enjoy what I do, and welcome the opportunity to assist others in developing their communication and leadership skills - particularly in listening and evalution. ...
Toastmasters International PO B●●●9052 Miss●●●iejo, CA, 92688 US 1.94●●●8825 1.94●●●8120 tm●●●@TOASTMASTERS.ORG Toastmasters International Mark Santos PO B●●●9052 MISS●●●IEJO, CA, 92690-9052 US 1.94●●●8255
Venue: 民有區民活動中心(北市民權東路三段140巷15號民有市場4樓)捷運: 木柵線中山國中站 (出站後步行約5分鐘) Registration: John Lin 林明翰 Tsai 蔡逸馨 orFun Moment - Sammy Su, CTMChampion of District 67 Humorous Speech Contest 200...
for existing operational difficulties. The forum will focus on industry demand to share the field experiences of 20 industry, retail, e-business, brand building, media and further experts. Interactions between experts, toastmasters, speakers and the audience wi...
Anne Wang ___ Anne Wang is funder and trainer of the system “One Minute People Reading”. She is also a book writer. She gave her TEDx speech in 2017. She is 10 years Toastmasters member and ICF coach. One Minute People Reading means to gaze people’s eyes for one minute and give...