"Then Toad of Toad Hall can stay here in prison,"replied the girl. Toad didn't say anything. Then he said, "You are a kind, clever girl, and I am a stupid toad. Please tell your aunt to come and visit me." -Taken from The Wind in the Willows 51. What can you learn about ...
Rat sings a song about ducks.Soon they see Toad Hall, Toad's house. It is a lovely old house by the river with beautiful gardens."There's Toad Hall," says Rat. "Toad is very rich, you know." Rat and Mole find Toad in the garden. He is looking"Mole and Rat!" he cries. "...
to write the book To write to To yield the breath toad toad frog toad juice toad lily Toad lizard Toad pipe toad rush Toad snatcher toad spit Toad spittle toadeater toadfish toadflax Toadhead toad-in-the-hole Toadish toadless Toadlet ...
英文名著动画《柳林风声》11 In a Ditch 掉沟里了 英文名著动画《柳林风声》10 Longing for the River 英文名著动画《柳林风声》09 On the Road 在旅途中 英文名著动画《柳林风声》08 Toad's Big Idea蟾蜍的好主意 英文名著动画《...
Toads, also known as the Mushroom People or simply Mushrooms, are a peaceful race of mushroom-like, humanoid characters and the dominant species of the Mushroom Kingdom. Toads reside in many towns and cities throughout the entire kingdom and have a...
The Wind in the Willows( IⅡ )( Rat and Mole row in the boat over to the Toad Hall. )Toad: Oh! Rat! I wanted to see you!Rat: Toad, this is my friend, Mole.Toad: Hello, I have something exciting to show you. Follow me!(Toad takes Rat and Mole to the yard. )Mole: Wow!
go to Toad Hall go to the lake3. Toad wanted to ___ so he tricked Rat. see the lake stay at Badger's home go for a walk leave Badger's home4. Why did Rat go for a doctor and a lawyer? He thought Toad was crazy. He thought Toad was dead. He thought Toad was really sick....
英文名著动画《柳林风声》11 In a Ditch 掉沟里了 英文名著动画《柳林风声》10 Longing for the River 英文名著动画《柳林风声》09 On the Road 在旅途中 英文名著动画《柳林风声》08 Toad's Big Idea蟾蜍的好主意 英文名著动画...
to write the book To write to To yield the breath toad toad frog toad juice toad lily Toad lizard Toad pipe toad rush Toad snatcher toad spit Toad spittle toadeater toadfish toadflax Toadhead toad-in-the-hole Toadish toadless Toadlet ...
“Toad Hall? I’m going that way too!” she said. “Hop in! I’ll take you there!” Toad stepped onto the boat. He felt very pleased with himself. “Toad is lucky again!” he thought. “I always win in the end!” 更多全部 ...