Toad in the Hole is an English dish of sausages cooked in a delicious batter. My recipe uses an air fryer to make this dish quick and easy!
UK:**UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˌtəʊdɪnðəˈhəʊl/US:USA pronunciation: respellingUSA pronunciation: respelling(tōd′in ᵺə hōl′) 定义|西班牙语|法语|英语同义词|Conjugator[EN]|上下文|图像 ...
单词 toad-in-the-hole 释义toad-in-the-hole noun[U]UKuk /ˌtəʊd.ɪn.ðəˈhəʊl/ us /ˌtoʊd.ɪn.ðəˈhoʊl/ adishmade withsausagescookedin amixtureofeggs,milk, andflour裹面烤香肠 bonchan/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related ...
Out in the corridor Toad was ready to pound another hole in the drywall when Jake stopped him. Dans le couloir, Toad se préparait à faire un autre trou lorsque Jake l’arrêta Literature The lady should take the children to the toad-hole in Castro Marim. Vous devriez les emmener...
续写有关toad in a hole If you ask someone from the North of the UK what their favorite dish is,Toad in the Hole would be up there.I was recently in the UK for Philips and was asked more than once if Toad inaHole can be made in the Airfryer.It is a roast dish made with ...
Over the years, many readers, from the UK and beyond, have shared tips, opinions, and stories in the comments. Here are a few. Jason says, "Save time and cleaning by cooking the sausages in the oven in a metal pan about 2 or 3 inches deep and add the batter to this after cookin...
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Toad is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, a longtime protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, and a loyal and cheerful friend to much of the cast. Toad often plays the role of representing his species, be it as as a main character or a...
Flavour Revival Meat and 3 Vegetable Toad in the Hole的做法步骤 步骤1 Preheat oven to 200⁰C/ Fan 180⁰C/ Gas Mark 6 步骤2 Place the chipolatas in the dish along with half the oil. Bake the sausages until golden this will take approximately 10 minutes and the oil should be hot ...
Our vegan toad in the hole should do the trick. Made with vegan sausages and lots of fresh veggies, the batter is made using unsweetened soya milk.