首先,在css中添加 #go-to-top{position:fixed;bottom:20px;right:20px;display:none;}#go-to-topbutton{background-color:#4CAF50;color:white;border:none;border-radius:50%;padding:12px;font-size:16px;cursor:pointer;}#actsmoothlyhtml{scroll-behavior:smooth;transition-duration:1s;} 然后,在网页<bod...
方法二 window.scrollTo(x,y)?1 <a href="javascript:scrollTo(0,0)" class="top" id="top">...
The HTML structure creates a “Back to top” button using a clickabledivelement with a class ofback2topScroll. Inside thediv, there’s an SVG element containing a circular path. The SVG is used to create a circular progress bar around the button. The arrow itself is not added yet because...
back-to-top/回到顶部按钮设计.html Go to file 292 lines (290 sloc) 2.81 KB Raw Blame <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>回到顶部按钮设计</title> <style> #btn1{right: 0;bottom: 0px;} </style> <script> window.onload=function() { var ...
[HTML]点击按钮,页面总是跳回顶端的解决方法(Clicking an button,always resets the view to top of page) 1 前言当网页页面较长或者表单较多时,右侧会出现滚动条,然而经常会出现点击底部的<button>按钮或者<a>超链接,会出现点击后,当前页面会回到顶端。
Scroll To Top Button插件概述 很多网站都在你滚动的时候右下方有个回到顶部的按钮,这样对于我们有时候浏览网页是来说是个很方便的功能,但并不是所有的网站都有这项功能,而慢慢的滚动鼠标滚轮或者拖动滚条也不是明智之举,scroll to top button就是一款可以在Chrome浏览器中增加返回顶部或者底部功能的chrome插件。 Sc...
To actually scroll to the top, we need to intercept the click event on our button. First we prevent the default click from being triggered, and then we scroll back to the top using theanimatefunction, passing in our duration. Finally we return false to ensure that no other events are rai...
Scroll To Top Button 可以为网页添加一个滚动到顶部或底部的按钮。我们知道现在很多网页已经有了这个回到顶部的按钮,但是仍然有些网页是不支持的,所以这个插件就有用了,不但能回到顶部还能跳转到底部。插件有自己的设置页,可以设置偏好。之前我们也推荐过返回顶部的插件《Scroll To Top 网页添加返回顶部按钮的插件》和...
Scroll To Top Button v7.1.0 Chrome插件图文教程 滚动到顶部按钮是 Google Chrome 、 Mozilla Firefox 、 Microsoft Edge 、 Opera 的浏览器扩展,一些基于铬的浏览器允许你快速回到页面的顶部和/或底部。 可用自定义 -按钮模式 -滚动仅顶部 -顶部和底部之间的翻转-双箭头 ...
Bonus: if you ever get tired of having a sticky menu, you can include a back-to-top button that lets users return to the header. Pricing: $60 one-time-fee 4. Pro Theme Image Source Pro Theme is redefining the future of website development. The theme’s header builder gives you the...