//首先将#back-to-top隐藏 $("#back-to-top").hide(); //当滚动条的位置处于距顶部600像素以下时,跳转链接出现,否则消失 $(function () { $(window).scroll(function(){ if ($(window).scrollTop()>600){ $("#back-to-top").fadeIn(500); }else{ $("#back-to-top").fadeOut(500); } ...
步骤1,增加HTML: 创建一个按钮,展示箭头图标︽,当用户点击时能够滚动回页面顶部 <buttonclass="js-back-to-top back-to-top"title="回到头部">︽</button> 步骤2,增加CSS: 为按钮增加样式 .back-to-top{display: none;/* 默认是隐藏的,这样在第一屏才不显示 */position: fixed;/* 位置是固定的 */bot...
So, the Back-To-Top button makes the navigation process quicker and easier. jQuery Scroll to Top button can be built easily with CSS. You can easily create the Back to Top button using jQuery and CSS. Our example code provides an easy way to add a “back to top” button on your web...
<back-to-toptext="Back to top"@scrolled="myFunction"></back-to-top> Now, it's possible to use your own html/vue component inside vue-backtotop component <!-- in your template --><back-to-topbottom="50px"right="50px"><buttontype="button"class="btn btn-info btn-to-top"><i...
top: -30px; } As you can see, the button will be-30px, as follows Next, we.backdown by the entire screen distance, which is100vh .back{ /**/ position: sticky; top: -30px; transform: translateY(100vh); } In this way, the effect is very close to what we need, but only a...
js constdialog=document.querySelector("dialog");constshowButton=document.querySelector("dialog + button");constcloseButton=document.querySelector("dialog button");// "Show the dialog" button opens the dialog modallyshowButton.addEventListener("click",()=>{dialog.showModal();});// "Close" butt...
<buttontype="button"class="btn btn-info btn-to-top"><iclass="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></button> </back-to-top> /*in your css*/ .btn-to-top{ width:60px; height:60px; padding:10px16px; border-radius:50%; font-size:22px; ...
path: '/pages/componentsC/button/index', icon: 'button', 29 changes: 17 additions & 12 deletions 29 uview-ui/components/u-cell-item/u-cell-item.vue Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ <view @tap="click" class="u-cell" :class="{ 'u-...
Top...= jQuery("#backtoTop"); if (backToTop.length > 0) { if ($windowObj.scrollTop...backToTop.removeClass("button--show"); } $per.attr("data-percent", percentage...(jQuery("#backtoTop")); T.scrollHook(jQuery(window), "#cc0000"); }); css代码可以参考: #backtoTop{back...
在 Laravel 5.7 之前的版本位于 resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js)中,我们可以看到对 bootstrap js...