“Scott Pilgrim” fans were delighted to finally see a proper anime adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's massively popular graphic novel series with the same actors from the live-action adaptation. It starts off much like the original story, introducing slacker Scott (Michael Cera), who's dati...
“Scott Pilgrim” fans were delighted to finally see a proper anime adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's massively popular graphic novel series with the same actors from the live-action adaptation. It starts off much like the original story, introducing slacker Scott (Michael Cera), who's dati...
filling in the murky backstory of the garishly-dressed hustler lawyer Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman, and gradually crafting characters engrossing, unpredictable, and engaging enough to justify its existence in its own right. This tale of Jimmy's descent into the criminal, drug-infested circles of Albuq...
@Mauzuri Stardew Valley is about playing a game while relaxing. The music and atmosphere of the game just has a way of magically melting the stresses a bad day away when playing it. Really its all about doing what you want to do in the game. There is no "right" way to play it in...
“Scott Pilgrim” fans were delighted to finally see a proper anime adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's massively popular graphic novel series with the same actors from the live-action adaptation. It starts off much like the original story, introducing slacker Scott (Michael Cera), who's dati...
“Scott Pilgrim” fans were delighted to finally see a proper anime adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's massively popular graphic novel series with the same actors from the live-action adaptation. It starts off much like the original story, introducing slacker Scott (Michael Cera), who's dati...