filling in the murky backstory of the garishly-dressed hustler lawyer Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman, and gradually crafting characters engrossing, unpredictable, and engaging enough to justify its existence in its own right. This tale of Jimmy's descent into the criminal, drug-infested circles of Albuq...
“Scott Pilgrim” fans were delighted to finally see a proper anime adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's massively popular graphic novel series with the same actors from the live-action adaptation. It starts off much like the original story, introducing slacker Scott (Michael Cera), who's dati...
“Scott Pilgrim” fans were delighted to finally see a proper anime adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's massively popular graphic novel series with the same actors from the live-action adaptation. It starts off much like the original story, introducing slacker Scott (Michael Cera), who's dati...
“Scott Pilgrim” fans were delighted to finally see a proper anime adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's massively popular graphic novel series with the same actors from the live-action adaptation. It starts off much like the original story, introducing slacker Scott (Michael Cera), who's dati...