Too Good To Go原先只是一个帮助本地餐厅减少食物浪费的商业项目,在创立初期,app主要依靠服务费和商户支付给平台的年费来获取运营成本,每次交易时,Too Good To Go可获得20%的收益。现在,它已经从丹麦延伸至14个西欧国家和美国。在疫情期间,Too Good To Go同样受到不少的影响,因为许多餐厅关门,Too Good To...
三年前,5名丹麦企业家在自助餐厅饱餐一顿后,发现很多很好的食物都被直接扔掉了,感到十分痛心,他们觉得那些食物被扔掉真的太可惜了(“too good to go”),于是开发了一款名为“Too good to go”的应用程序。 Too Good To Go源自丹麦,业务遍及欧洲九个国家。公司的理念是创造一个没有食物浪费的世界——所有生产...
虽然创始人会开玩笑说,Too Good to Go 的竞争对手只有垃圾桶,但丹麦这个例子不好复制。非营利组织“哥本哈根食物之家”(Copenhagen House of Food)运营社区公共厨房,其中一项课题是“让食物可持续”,比如说,怎么让厨子只靠冰箱里剩下的材料饱餐一顿。这个组织的公关经理瑞克·布伦特·达尔(Rikke Bruntse Dah...
三年前,5名丹麦企业家在自助餐厅饱餐一顿后,发现很多很好的食物都被直接扔掉了,感到十分痛心,他们觉得那些食物被扔掉真的太可惜了(“too good to go”),于是开发了一款名为“Too good to go”的应用程序。 Too Good To Go源自丹麦,业务遍及欧洲九个国家。公司的理念是创造一个没有食物浪费的世界——所有生产...
Good To Go Food is Chicago’s original grab & go provider. Since 1989, our locally owned and family run company has been making a wide variety of fresh, healthy and delicious grab & go items. We are certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the City of Chicago and the State of ...
Food waste is a big problem for the environment, but together, we can be a solution. In a world where onethird of food goes to waste annually, the Too Good To Go app is your ticket to unlocking affordable, tasty eats that help the planet. ...
40% of the food that we produce globally goes to waste. Find out more about the issue of food waste, the impact and what we can do about it.
当我不知吃什么的时候🤔 💡在Too good to go上订过一个酒店的盲盒(自助早餐剩余的新鲜食物) 💡去了附近最大超市参与了food rescue 的“抢购”😄 基本就是大家可以拿一个同样的袋子,食品被摆出来后,能装多少装多少...
Download Too Good To Go - fight food waste, save great food on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. Too Good To Go is the free food recovery app that makes it easy to make a positive impact on the planet while saving money on your
“People often throw food away because of the ‘best before’ date when it is still good to eat,” she says, adding that requiring retailers to disclose how much goes to waste can have a big impact. “When rules are in place, we see companies acting to put them into practice”. ...