Too Good To Go原先只是一个帮助本地餐厅减少食物浪费的商业项目,在创立初期,app主要依靠服务费和商户支付给平台的年费来获取运营成本,每次交易时,Too Good To Go可获得20%的收益。现在,它已经从丹麦延伸至14个西欧国家和美国。在疫情期间,Too Good To Go同样受到不少的影响,因为许多餐厅关门,Too Good To...
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
在油管上,也经常可以看到博主们分享在TOO GOOD TO GO上的使用体验,无一差评! 时不时的,也可以看到很多主流媒体对它的报道。 甚至还有不少博主称,仅用了2欧就吃到了全伦敦顶级寿司店的寿司哈哈哈。而事实是,这款应用,在生活压力超级大的纽约伦敦来说,简直就是很多年轻人的一大救星。 世界各地的人晒出自己的 ...
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
Too Good To Go app(应用程序) makes it easy to make a positive impact(影响) on the planet while saving money on your favorite foods. With the app for reducing(减少) food waste, you can save tasty unsold treats and meals straight from shops, cafes, grocery stores, and restaurants in yo...
她在小红书上认识了 Too Good to Go,立刻尝试了一回,有时候,她会到 App 上下单点 Caffè Nero、星巴克这种连锁咖啡品牌的“食物盲盒”。那是不错的尝鲜,但她不觉得自己会成为忠实粉丝。在英国,商业区位于市中心,那也是大多数餐厅的所在地,Too Good to Go 对于她这种要长途跋涉到市区的人不太友善。她...
此前推荐过一个叫「」的小程序,能让用户在每天傍晚/夜里买到打折的烘焙食品,免得被商家打烊后白白扔掉。 后来被同事告知,国外也有个类似的 App:Too Good To Go,减少食物浪费 + 消费者省钱 + …
据il sole 24ore 报道:2022年,“Too good to go”及其相关公司的用户量激增,分别增长了50%和40%,据称“2022年米兰和罗马节省了近百万顿饭”,比2021年多节省了32%的餐食。 这得益于人们“不浪费”的意识增强,而消费习惯的改变,深究背后原因也是由于通胀和家庭购买力被削弱的危机。