With ToDo List, view all your ToDos and checklists by tag on one screen - no need for horizontal swiping! Effortlessly tick off tasks with a single tap, and seamlessly edit your lists with intuitive controls. Customize your experience by separating completed tasks, adjusting text sizes, and mo...
方法/步骤 1 手机桌面点击List To do图标打开【List To do】App 2 List To do主办面点击左上角的【齿轮】打开设置界面 3 设置界面点击【Separate checked & unchecked items】后面的圆点 4 【Separate checked & unchecked items】后面的圆点变为灰色即表示关闭List To do Separate checked成功 注意事项 如果这篇...
1 Lists To do首页点击上方的《齿轮》打开Settings界面。2 Settings界面点击《Separate checked & unchecked items》后面的圆点。3 《Separate checked & unchecked items》后面的圆点变为灰色即表示List To do关停《Separate checked》成功。注意事项 个人经验,仅供参考 ...
Over 270 million tasks checked off in Clear. Here's why so many find it uniquely productive: BEAUTIFULLY MINIMAL Zero on-screen clutter. Just you and your thoughts, as it should be. FORM & FUNCTION Clear's colorful heatmap is stylish and useful, highlighting your most important tasks for ...
Includes full-featured Time Off management for remote-first teams. Free for small groups of up to 5 users. Tefter - Bookmarking app with a powerful Slack integration. Free for open-source teams. TeleType— share terminals, voice, code, whiteboard, and more. no sign-in is required for end...
The Completed perspective lets you see the tasks you've checked off, and it's good to check the Inbox for tasks you might otherwise forget—and for everything else, there's the Review view. OmniFocus' Review perspective shows all of your active and on hold projects and lets you easily ...
1 手机打开【List To do】,List To do主界面点击左上角的【齿轮】打开设置界面 2 设置界面点击【Separate checked&unchecked items】后面的圆点 3 【Separate checked&unchecked items】后面的圆点变为绿色即表示List To Do开启Separate checked&unchecked成功 注意事项 如果这篇经验对你有帮助,请帮忙投票点赞吧!
设置List To do《Separate checked》停用 工具/原料 iphone12pro ios16.5.1 Lists To doV2.5.2 方法/步骤 1 Lists To do首页点击上方的《齿轮》打开Settings界面 2 Settings界面点击《Separate checked & unchecked items》后面的圆点 3 《Separate checked & unchecked items》后面的圆点变为灰色即表示设置List...
Over 270 million tasks checked off in Clear. Here's why so many find it uniquely productive: BEAUTIFULLY MINIMAL Zero on-screen clutter. Just you and your thoughts, as it should be. FORM & FUNCTION Clear's colorful heatmap is stylish and useful, highlighting your most important tasks for ...
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