Why are all the to-do apps so complicated? Why isn't there a simple to-do/checklist app to jot down ideas or things to do on a list and tick them off as you complete them? Well, Daily To-Do App is the solution to your problem. ...
For e.g. JSON objects become Java Map-s, JSON arrays become Java List-s, and Java Bean properties are accessible (and update-able) using 'dot notation' e.g. 'object.name' * def dateStringToLong = """ function(s) { var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat'); ...
Google’s Index report provides a list of pages that Google indexed on your domain. If you publish content regularly — such as blog posts — and you notice a downward trend, then you know that you have a problem and you need to examine it further. Aside from the index status, one of...
If you check the Clear todo app, you'll know what I mean. 1. Add the ability to create a new list when you create a new item (like a + sign next to existing lists) 2. Let the user to use a gesture (like drag down) to exit the task creation instead of having to click the ...
Using theField Listpane is the best way to create a control for two reasons: A bound control has an attached label, and the label takes the name of the field (or the caption defined for that field in the underlying table or query) as its caption by default, so you don't have to ...
off(event, function) String, Function Remove an event listener for the specified event. supports(type) String Check support for a mime type. destroy() - Destroy the instance and garbage collect any elements.For HTML5 players, play() will return a Promise for most browsers - e.g. Chrome,...
This is especially great for personal portfolios, where the focus is on sharing information about oneself, not on technical features that can be toggled on or off. This is an excellent list. I’ve had the pleasure of working on or developing websites using many of these templates. I won’...
Lifestyle photos are a huge hit on Instagram. Recruit an employee to model your merchandise around town or show off a room in a client’s home that you’ve designed. 3. Get shoppers engaged with a contest. Running a contest or promotion on Instagram is a great way to get shoppers talk...
Example is represented by a simple mobile sapui5 application with 3 views and navigation between them. Login page will take a login and password and make an authentication via service call. View mainView represents a list of Simpsons Family. View detailView shows details to each person. ...
Also, the example policy requires that any requests for these operations must include the public-read canned access control list (ACL). For more information, see Policy actions for Amazon S3 and Policy condition keys for Amazon S3. Warning The public-read canned ACL allows anyone in the world...