The good news is that many techniques used to deter cats will help discourage other animals as well. Eliminate food and water sources to make your yard less appealing. Choose tall fencing with no gaps and an underground portion or barrier on the surface near the base to prevent digging. The...
When raccoons venture into your yard, they’re looking for three things: food, water, and shelter. If they can’t find any, they’ll have no reason to stick around. So, the best way to prevent raccoons in your yard is to make sure they won’t find what they’re looking for. But ...
Security systems offer perhaps the most powerful protection for your home. Even a simple alarm system and a few well-placed signs in your yard and on your windows can diminish home break-ins. If you can afford it, motion sensors on doors and windows as well as 24-hour monitoring can prov...
These plucky, happy, and affectionate dogs need lots of exercise and are popular pets in both the city and the country. This dog loves exploring the outdoors and makes a good childhood playmate. They tend to get along with other dogs, but their hunting instincts are triggered when they see ...
While moles do not eat your precious garden plants or even the roots of your turf grass, the soil piles and raised trails found in the yard can be a real nuisance. The damage moles cause is aesthetic, but it’s understandable why so many homeowners want to send moles packing. Continually...
Electric fencing can stop them in their tracks, but if that wouldn’t go over well in your neighborhood, spreading blood meal or human-scented items like hair clippings around your plot can help deter them too. How to Harvest Corn Harvesting corn is as simple as snapping the ears off ...
The Best Natural Deterrent to Keep Dogs Away→ Keep Cats From Pooping in Gravel→ Tips People have been using the dog's strong sense of smell for centuries for searching and hunting. This super sense can be used another way too -- to get Fido to stay out of the garden and off of fur...
Prairie dogs Groundhogs Moles Squirrels Muskrats Mice Rabbits Rats Chipmunks Armadillos Wild hogs How Big Should a Gopher Basket Be? Gopher baskets should be several inches larger than the plant’s root ball or double your pot size. For example, a 4-inch plant should be in a 1-gallon goph...
If the above tips don’t halt the behavior, pour a box of baking soda over the target zone and leave it sit there for 30 days (!). You could also try setting a bowl of vinegar right there, this may deter your pet and break the habit. ...
Consider a pet. Some dogs like to chase birds, and cats often view them as a tasty snack. Your new furry friends won't be able to deter high-roosting or airborne birds, of course, but they can make ground landings quite unpleasant. ...