It may seem impossible, but it’s true. Dogs may find the taste of fecal matter interesting enough to come back for seconds. While they may enjoy eating it, that doesn’t mean they should be allowed to. Poop contains harmful bacteria, so prevent your dog from eating it when possible. ...
It might get your family pets all riled up to see an unfamiliar cat in the yard. Not only can it upset the family dog, but it also might pose a risk to your felinesif you occasionally let them explore your yard. Keeping up with regular vet care is a great way to avoid any issues...
To potty train a dog to go outside fast, it's important to adhere to precise guidelines. Using the wrong approach or trying to cut corners may only backfire and slow down the process. Discover some basic guidelines on how to succeed.
Dogs sometimes eat the poop of another species. The stool of other animals, such as horses or cats, contains nutrients that can be beneficial. But this poop can also contain harmful bacteria, so it’s best to discourage your dog from eating it. It’s normal for dogs to eat the poop of...
In order to prevent your dog from digging under the fence, it’s important to identify the reason why they are digging. And then some dogs may dig under fences simply because it’s fun – at least to them it is. Dogs that are left alone in the yard with nothing to do may turn to...
Coprophagia is an unpleasant but common aspect of dog parenting. Learn how to prevent coprophagia in dogs with these useful tips.
Dogs hate the smell and taste of mustard oil, so spray it around the area you want your dog to avoid and watch it do its magic. Dog poop. Try placing some of your dog's poop in holes that he has dug and you can bet that he won't dig in them again. Strategically place some ...
Raising geese is a lot easier than you may think. The effort is well worth it, especially if you use the natural tendencies of the geese to benefit you. Read on to learn about weeder geese, pet geese, and security alarm geese!
Pick up his poop ASAP “The most foolproof thing to do is to prevent access to feces through either picking up feces in the yard ... right away or preventing access to feces by keeping the dog leashed when outside,” she explained. ...
To prevent and treat your pet for fleas: Ask your vet about preventive flea medications.These medications will nip the problem in the bud. Flea medications can be over-the-counter or prescription. They can be spot-on (meaning you apply it to your animal’s skin or collar), or taken by...