T cells as sources and targets of TNF: implications for immunity and autoimmunity. Curr Dir Autoimmun 11: 105-118.Chatzidakis I, Mamalaki C. T cells as sources and targets of TNF: implications for immunity and autoimmunity. Curr Dir Autoimmun. 2010; 11 :105–18. doi: 10.1159/000289200. ...
1. Background1.1 作者简介这是一篇发表在国际杂志Cell Reports上的文章。文章来自于利物浦大学的Aras Kadioglu团队。科学家们通过研究揭示了一种肺部调节性T细胞亚群是如何对肺炎链球菌耐受的。 Aras Kadioglu出…
in which excess production of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a central pathogenic event. Mechanisms underlying the breakdown of self-tolerance are unclear, but Tcells in the arthritic joint have a distinctive ...
AXL targeting restores PD-1 blockade sensitivity of STK11/LKB1 mutant NSCLC through expansion of TCF1 CD8 T cells.Cell Rep Med. 2022 [17] Selective delivery of low-affinity IL-2 to PD-1+ T cells rejuvenates antitu...
自然杀伤细胞(Natural killer cells) T淋巴细胞(T-lymphoblastoid Cells) B淋巴细胞(B-lymphoblastoid Cells) 肥大细胞(Mast cells) 成纤维细胞(Fibroblasts) 平滑肌细胞(Smooth muscle cells) 乳腺肿瘤细胞(Breast tumor cells) 卵巢肿瘤细胞(Ovarian tumour cells) ...
This basic knowledge sheds light on the consequences of TNF inhibitor therapies on regulatory T cells in treated patients and on the limitations of such treatment in the control of diseases with an autoimmune component. Accordingly, the next generation of drugs targeting TNF is likely to be based...
NOD FTOC produce more TNF-α than B6 FTOC during days 6–9 of culture, a time when negative selection of T cells is known to occur. Neutralization of this endogenous TNF-α production in NOD derived FTOC with soluble TNF receptor (sTNF R1) rescued insulin production in our in vitro T1DM...
随后,研究人员还做了一系列的实验,研究 TRAF2 对于 免疫系统的影响,尤其是 T 细胞的影响。根据实验结果,得出结论,TRAF2 的失活重新引导 TNF 信号通路,从而有利于 RIPK1-dependent 细胞的死亡,进而让 T 细胞更有效地杀死肿瘤细胞。Figure 4. TRAF2 Targeting Poises Cells to Undergo RIPK1-Dependent Cell ...
chose TNF-transgenic (hTNF-αTg) mice as a TNF-driven model of arthritis in which to study the development of TREG cells and also the effects of TNF blockade on these cells. First, they confirmed that hTNF-αTg mice develop arthritis from 8 weeks of age, and that this disease worsens...
1.Max Dale Cooper et al. Discovery of 2 Distinctive Lineages of Lymphocytes, T Cells and B Cells, as the Basis of the Adaptive Immune System and Immunologic Function. JAMA, 2019, doi:10.1001/jama.2019.13815. 2.Simon Heidegger et al. RIG-I activation is critical for responsiveness to checkpo...